This collection comprises articles by Osgoode faculty published in scholarly journals, as well as book chapters and articles published in edited scholarly works, including encyclopedia contributions.


Submissions from 2008


Chocolate, Copyright, Confusion: Intellectual Property and the Supreme Court of Canada, David Vaver


The 'Affected' Post-Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Embryo, Estair Van Wagner, Roxanne Mykitiuk, and Jeff Nisker


The Interlegality of Transnational Private Law, Robert Wai


Getting the Best Seats (In International Arbitrations), Janet Walker

Le droit international privé, Janet Walker


Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions - Suggested Answers, Janet Walker


New Trends in Procedural Law: New Technologies and the Civil Litigation Process, Janet Walker and Garry D. Watson


Corporate Social Responsibility in a Comparative Perspective, Cynthia Williams and Ruth V. Aguilera

Common Law Liability Relief, Stepan Wood


Six Principles for Integrating Non-Governmental Environmental Standards into Smart Regulation, Stepan Wood and Lynn Johannson

Done Nothing Wrong: Fundamental Justice and the Minimum Content of Criminal Law, Alan N. Young


Done Nothing Wrong: Fundamental Justice and the Minimum Content of Criminal Law, Alan N. Young


Peer Review in Canada: Results from a Promising Experiment, Frederick Zemans and James Stribopoulos


Book Review: After Enron: Improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US, by John Armour and Joseph A. McCahery, Peer Zumbansen

Book Review: Global Forces of Corporate Change and European Path Dependencies, A Review of After Enron (McCahery/Armour eds.), Peer Zumbansen


Law after the Welfare State: Formalism, Functionalism and the Ironic Turn of Reflexive Law, Peer Zumbansen

Submissions from 2007


Compared to What? The UCLA Comparative Labor Law Project and the Future of Comparative Labor Law, Harry W. Arthurs


Labour and the "Real" Constitution, Harry W. Arthurs


Reconciling Differences Differently: Reflections on Labor Law and Worker Voice After Collective Bargaining, Harry W. Arthurs


From Governance to Political Economy: Insights from a Study of Relations between Corporations and Workers, Harry W. Arthurs and Claire Mumme


Counting Outsiders: A Critical Exploration of Outsider Course Enrollment in Canadian Legal Education, Natasha Bakht, Kim Brooks, Gillian Calder, Jennifer Koshan, Sonia Lawrence, Carissima Mathen, and Debra Parkes


Steeped in Politics: The Ongoing History of Politics in Policing, Margaret Beare


Corporate Gatekeeper Liability in Canada, Stephanie Ben-Ishai

Means Measuring versus Means Testing Consumer Bankruptcy, Stephanie Ben-Ishai

Reflections on French Commercial Insolvency Law Reforms: A Canadian Perspective, Stephanie Ben-Ishai

The Canadian Consumer Bankruptcy Discharge, Stephanie Ben-Ishai

Thinking About Technology in Canadian Law Schools, Stephanie Ben-Ishai

Introduction, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Tony Duggan

Derivatives and the CCAA: Risk Management and American Likeness, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Peter Kolla


Bankruptcy for the Poor?, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Saul Schwartz

Institutionalizing Access to Justice: Judicial, Legislative and Grassroots Dimensions, Faisal Bhabha

A Democratic Tax Reform for Canada, Neil Brooks

An Overview of the Role of the VAT, Fundamental Tax Reform, and a Defense of the Income Tax, Neil Brooks

Book Review: Taxing Illusions: Taxation, Democracy and Embedded Political Theory, by Phillip Hansen, Neil Brooks


Globalization, Resistance to Economic, Ruth Buchanan


Foreword, Jamie Cameron


Law and Feminism: Editor's Note, Jamie Cameron

Problem Gamblers and the Duty of Care: A Response to Sasso and Kalajdzic, Jamie Cameron

Certification Delay Under Elections and Card-Check Procedures: Empirical Evidence from Canada, Michele Campolieti, Chris Riddell, and Sara Slinn


Gendered Risks of Retirement: The Legal Governance of Defined Contribution Pensions in Canada, Mary G. Condon


Reconstructing the Author-Self: Some Feminist Lessons for Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig


Resisting "Sweat" and Refusing Feist: Rethinking Originality After CCH, Carys J. Craig

Robertson in Canada, Giuseppina D'Agostino

Private Law and Envy, Susan G. Drummond

The Search for Alternatives to Exempt Treatment of Financial Services Under a Value-Added Tax, Tim Edgar


The Negotiator-as-Professional: Understanding the Competing Interests of a Representative Negotiator, Trevor C. W. Farrow


'Prisoner Never Gave Me Anything for What He Done:' Aboriginal Voices in the Criminal Court, Shelley A. M. Gavigan


"Prisoner Never Gave Me Anything for What He Done:" Aboriginal Voices in the Criminal Court, Shelley A. M. Gavigan


From Mothers' Allowance to Mothers Need Not Apply: Canadian Welfare Law as Liberal and Neo-Liberal Reforms, Shelley A. M. Gavigan and Dorothy E. Chunn


Deriving History From Law: Are Cheques Traceable to the Talmud?, Benjamin Geva


Payment Finality and Discharge in Funds Transfers, Benjamin Geva


Recent International Developments in the Law of Negotiable Instruments and Payment and Settlement Systems, Benjamin Geva

Political Authority and Political Obligation, Leslie Green

The Concept of Law Revisited, Leslie Green

The Duty to Speak, Leslie Green


Does the Observer Have an Effect?: An Analysis of the Use of the Dialogue Metaphor in Canada's Courts, Richard Haigh and Michael Sobkin


'Canada Steps Up' - Task Force to Modernize Securities Legislation in Canada: Recommendations and Discussions, Paul Halpern and Poonam Puri


Whither Community Justice?: The Rise of Court-Connected Mediation in the United States, Colleen M. Hanycz

Current Trends in Dispute Resolution: A Canadian Perspective, Colleen M. Hanycz and Gary Watson


A Reply on "Charter Dialogue Revisited", Peter W. Hogg, Allison A. Bushell Thornton, and Wade K. Wright


Charter Dialogue Revisited: Or "Much Ado About Metaphors", Peter W. Hogg, Allison A. Bushell Thornton, and Wade K. Wright


Breaching Indigenous Law: Canadian Mining in Guatemala, Shin Imai, Ladan Mehranvar, and Jennifer Sander


Canadian Taxation of International Mobile Workers: A Case for Reform, Jinyan Li

Development and Tax Policy: Case Study of China, Jinyan Li


Fundamental Enterprise Income Tax Reform in China: Motivations and Major Changes, Jinyan Li


The Rise and Fall of Chinese Tax Incentives an Implications for International Tax Debates, Jinyan Li

Judicial Approaches to Self-Government since Calder: Searching for Doctrinal Coherence, Kent McNeil

Legal Rights and Legislative Wrongs: Maori Claims to the Foreshore and Seabed, Kent McNeil

Has Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal Rights Adversely Affected Their Definition?, Kent McNeil and David Yarrow


A False Dawn?: TRIPs and TRIPs-Plus Impacts in Africa, Ikechi Mgbeoji

Lost in Translation? The Rhetoric of Protecting Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge in International Law and the Omnipresent Reality of Biopiracy, Ikechi Mgbeoji


TRIPS and TRIPS Plus Impacts in Africa, Ikechi Mgbeoji


In Memoriam: Honourable Gerald Eric Le Dain, 1924-2007, Patrick J. Monahan, Harry W. Arthurs, and Bruce B. Ryder

Welfare Reform and the Re-making of the Model Citizen, Janet Mosher


Book Review: The Ursula Franklin Reader: Pacifism as a Map, by Ursula Franklin, Mary Jane Mossman


Law and Feminism: Foreword, Mary Jane Mossman


The First Women Lawyers: "Piecemeal Progress and Circumscribed Success", Mary Jane Mossman


The Canadian Assisted Human Reproduction Act: Protecting Women’s Health While Potentially Allowing Human Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer into Non-Human Oocytes, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Jeff Nisker, and Robyn Bluhm


Assessing Baxi’s Thesis on the Emergence of a Trade-Related Market-Friendly Human Rights Paradigm: Recent Evidence from Nigerian Labour-Led Struggles, Obiora Chinedu Okafor


The Precarious Place of Labour Rights and Movements in Nigeria's Dual Economic and Political Transition, 1999-2005, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

Jurisprudence and Necessity, Dan Priel


Will Canada Step Up? Improving Enforcement in the Canadian Capital Markets, Poonam Puri


Who Needs Paper Anymore? Rationalizing an Allocation of Government Responsibility for the Transfer of Securities, Poonam Puri and Gil Lan

Book Review: An Introduction to the Law on Financial Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson

Book Review: Governance for Sustainable Development, Benjamin J. Richardson


Book Review: Responsible Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson


Do the Fiduciary Duties of Pension Funds Hinder Socially Responsible Investment?, Benjamin J. Richardson


EU Climate Change Policy: The Challenge of New Regulatory Initiatives, by Marjan Peeters and Kurt Deketelaere, Benjamin J. Richardson


Financing Sustainability: The New Transnational Governance of Socially Responsible Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson


Protecting Indigenous Peoples through Socially Responsible Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson

A Taxonomy of Aboriginal Rights, Brian Slattery


The Generative Structure of Aboriginal Rights, Brian Slattery

Labor Law Reform and the Role of Delay in Union Organizing: Empirical Evidence from Canada, Sara Slinn, Michele Campolieti, and Chris Riddell

Book Review: Good Government? Good Citizens?: Courts, Politics and Markets in a Changing Canada, Lorne Sossin

Class Actions Against the Crown: A Substitution for Judicial Review on Administrative Law Grounds, Lorne Sossin

The Justice of Access: Who Should have Standing to Challenge the Constitutional Adequacy of Legal Aid?, Lorne Sossin


The Oversight of Executive-Police Relations in Canada: The Constitution, the Courts, Administrative Processes, and Democratic Governance, Lorne Sossin

The Contextual Turn: Iacobucci’s Legacy and the Standard of Review in Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin and Colleen Flood


I Can See Clearly Now: Videoconference Hearings and the Legal Limit on How Tribunals Allocate Resources, Lorne Sossin and Zimra Yetnikoff


Charkaoui: Beyond Anti-Terrorism, Procedural Fairness, and Section 7 of the Charter, James Stribopoulos