Submissions from 2025
Property Rights in Digital Assets Under Uniform State Laws in the United States, Benjamin Geva
Global Justice in the Reshaping of International Tax, Ivan Ozai
Submissions from 2024
Mental Health and Legal Education, Benjamin Berger and Justice Lorne Sossin
Indefinite Detention Under Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code and Winko V. British Columbia, Jamie Cameron
The Constitution and Charter in 2022: The Court, the Chief Justice, and Justice Brown, Jamie Cameron
Private Law and Mass Claims: Regulating in the Place of the State, Suzanne Chiodo
Tawdry or Honourable? Additional Payments to Representative Plaintiffs in Ontario and Beyond, Suzanne Chiodo
Overcoming the Pragmatic Approach of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Relation to the Fossil Fuel Industry, Barnali Choudhury
Empowering Speech by Moderating It, Danielle Keats Citron and Jonathon W. Penney
R. v. J.J., Judicial Discretion and the Charter, Lisa Dufraimont
Taking a Mulligan: Freedom of Association, Fay Faraday
Access to Justice and the Legal Profession: Three Questions, Trevor C. W. Farrow
The Fiscal Contract and Delivering the Canada Disability Benefit through the Income Tax System, Jinyan Li
Foreign Owned Canadian Corporations, Jinyan Li and Paul Lamarre
Tax Treaties, Jinyan Li and Paul Lamarre
Foreward, Mary Jane Mossman
R. v. Sharma: Reckoning with Destabilizing Truths in Constitutional Equality Adjudication, Debra Parkes and Sonia Lawrence
The Digital Loonie: The Legal Framework for a Central Bank Digital Currency in Canada and Beyond, Poonam Puri and Ilona Larionova
Canadians with Disabilities: Income Security and Tax Policy, Hengameh Saberi and Jinyan Li
Environmental Law for a Just Transition, Dayna Nadine Scott
Infrastructural (Dis)Entitlement: Tactics of Dispossession on the Critical Minerals Frontier, Dayna Nadine Scott
Section 9 of the Canadian Charter & Arbitrary Laws: a Taxonomy, an Organizational Ideal, and a Path Forward, François Tanguay-Renaud
Submissions from 2023
An Imperial History of Race-Religion in International Law, Rabiat Akande
Centring the Black Muslimah: Interrogating Gendered, Anti-Black Islamophobia, Rabiat Akande
Neutralizing Secularism: Religious Antiliberalism and the Twentieth-Century Global Ecumenical Project, Rabiat Akande
Insulating the Church: Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada St. Mary Cathedral v. Aga and the Suppression of Public Law in the Construction of Religious Communities, Rabiat Akande and Faisal Bhabha
Insulating the Church: Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada St. Mary Cathedral v. Aga and the Suppression of Public Law in the Construction of Religious Communities, Rabiat Akande and Faisal Bhabha
Moving from Secrecy to Transparency in the Offensive Cyber Capabilities Sector: The Case of Dual-Use Technologies Exports, Siena Anstis, Niamh Leonard, and Jonathon W. Penney
Disaster Risk in the Carceral State, Saptarishi Bandopadhyay and Joshua R. Coene
The ‘contract’ and its discontents: Can it address protection gaps for migrant agricultural workers in Canada?, Tanya Basok, Eric Tucker, Leah F. Vosko, C. Susana Caxaj, Jenna L. Hennebry, Stephanie Mayell, Janet McLaughlin, and Anelyse M. Weiler
Understanding the Neutrals in Canadian Insolvency Proceedings, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Meena Alnajar
Fighting Anti-Semitism by Fomenting Islamophobia: The Palestine Trope, A Case Study, Faisal Bhabha
Making and Remaking the World Anew: International Law and the Development Project, Ruth Buchanan, Luis Eslava, Caitlin Murphy, and Sundhya Pahuja
Measurement as Development, Ruth Buchanan and Caitlin Murphy
Public Order Policing: a Proposal for a Charter-compliant Legislative Response, Jamie Cameron and Robert Diab
Safety in Numbers or Lost in the Crowd? Litigation of Mass Claims and Access to Justice in Ontario, Suzanne E. Chiodo
Corporate Law’s Threat to Human Rights: Why Human Rights Due Diligence Might Not Be Enough, Barnali Choudhury
Sustainable Corporate Responsibility and the World Trade Organization, Barnali Choudhury
The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Principles for Responsible Contracts: An Introduction, Barnali Choudhury
Out of sight, out of mind? Remote work and contractual distancing, Nicola Countouris and Valerio De Stefano
The Future Concept of Work, Nicola Countouris and Valerio De Stefano
Introduction to the Future of Remote Work, Nicola Countouris, Valerio De Stefano, Agnieszka Piasna, and Silvia Rainone
Between risk mitigation and labour rights enforcement: Assessing the transatlantic race to govern AI-driven decision-making through a comparative lens, Valerio De Stefano and Antonio Aloisi
Regulating AI at work: labour relations, automation, and algorithmic management, Valerio De Stefano and Virginia Doellgast
Does Labour Law Trust Workers? Questioning Underlying Assumptions Behind Managerial Prerogatives, Valerio De Stefano, Ilda Durri, Charalampos Stylogiannis, and Mathias Wouters
The International Labour Organisation and the Future of Work, Valerio De Stefano and Mathias Wouters
Exploring the Importance of Criminal Legal Aid: A Canadian Perspective, Trevor C. W. Farrow and Marcus Pratt
Introduction to the Special Issue on Housing Precarity and Human Rights, Alexandra Flynn and Estair Van Wagner
Payment in Digital Currency: The Legal Challenge, Benjamin Geva
The Bearer Digital Coin: Optimal Design and Legal Features, Benjamin Geva
The Digitization of Money: Stablecoins and CBDC, Benjamin Geva and Mohammed Muraj
Race Matters: White Dispatches From the Professional Front, Allan C. Hutchinson
The Next Revolution? Negligence Law for the 21st Century, Allan C. Hutchinson
Walking The Line: The Politics of Federalism and Environmental Change, Allan C. Hutchinson
Walking the Line: The Politics of Federalism and Environmental Change, Allan C. Hutchinson
Indigeneity: Practices of Indigenous International Law, Beverley Jacobs and Jeffery Hewitt
Introduction: Domestic Violence and Access to Justice within the Family Law and Intersecting Legal Systems, Jennifer Koshan, Wanda Wiegers, Janet Mosher, Wendy Chan, and Michaela J. Keet
Introducing a Global Minimum Tax (Pillar Two) in Canada: Some Knowns and Unknowns, Jinyan Li
Canadian QDMTT Challenges, Jinyan Li, Angelo Nikolakakis, and Jean-Pierre Vidal
Deeper Into the Knight: Exploring Deans Knight and Its Effects on the Canadian GAAR, Jinyan Li, Marshall Rothstein, Steve Suarez, and Jeffrey Trossman
Commentary on Dodge v. Ford Motor Company, Jena Martin and Barnali Choudhury
Writing and Resisting Colonial Genocide, Heidi Matthews, Luann Good Gingrich, and Joel Ong
Towards meaningful research and engagement: Indigenous knowledge systems and Great Lakes governance, Deborah McGregor, Nicole Latulippe, Rod Whitlow, Kristi Leora Gansworth, Lorrilee McGregor, and Stephanie Allen
The Role of Traditional Environmental Knowledge in Planetary Well-Being, Deborah McGregor, Danika Billie Littlechild, and Mahisha Sritharan
Decolonizing the Dialogue on Climate Change: Indigenous Knowledges, Legal Orders and Ethics, Deborah McGregor and M. Sritharan
Book Review: Lisa Kloppenberg, The Best Beloved Thing is Justice: The Life of Dorothy Wright Nelson, Patricia McMahon
Canadian “Dreamers”: Access to Post-Secondary Education, Elise Mercier, Sean Rehaag, and Francisco Rico-Martinez
Selected Dispute Resolution Bibliography, Shannon Moldaver and Trevor C. W. Farrow
Domestic Violence, Precarious Immigration Status, and the Complex Interplay of Family Law and Immigration Law, Janet Mosher
Strengthening a One Health approach to emerging zoonoses, Samira Mubareka, John Amuasi, Arinjay Banerjee, Hélène Carabin, Joe Copper Jack, Claire Jardine, Bogdan Jaroszewicz, Greg Keefe, Jonathon Kotwa, Susan Kutz, Deborah McGregor, Anne Mease, Lily Nicholson, Katarzyna Nowak, Brad Pickering, Maureen Reed, Johanne Saint-Charles, Katarzyna Simonienko, Trevor Smith, J. Scott Weese, and E. Jane Parmley
In Defense of Openness — Genetic Knowledge and Gamete Donation, Roxanne Mykitiuk
Jurisgenerative Tissues: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Legal Secretions of 3D Bioprinting, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Joshua Shaw
Estoppel, Jennifer Nadler
Care Work, Jennifer Nedelsky
Newness, Imperialism and International Legal Reform in Our Time: A TWAIL Perspective, Obiora C. Okafor
Africa as a 'Theatre' of International Law and Development: Knowledge, Practice, and Resistance, Obiora C. Okafor and Maxwel Miyawa
Judicial Line Drawing and Implications for Tax Avoidance, Ivan Ozai
Infrastructure, Jurisdiction, Extractivism: Keywords for Decolonizing Geographies, Shiri Pasternak, Deborah Cowen, Robert Clifford, Tiffany Joseph, Dayna Nadine Scott, Anne Spice, and Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark
Prevalence of High-Cost Loans among the Debts of Canadian Insolvency Filers, Saul Schwartz and Stephanie Ben-Ishai
The Regulation of Toxics and Environmental Justice: The Uneven Distribution of Pollution, Dayna Nadine Scott and Lara Tessaro
Law and Gender, Joshua Shaw and Roxanne Mykitiuk
A Call for Evidence-Based Research in ADR, Methura Sinnadurai, Benjamin Vanderwindt, Patricia McMahon, and Trevor C. W. Farrow
State Crimes, François Tanguay-Renaud
Ambiguities and Absences: Occupational Health and Safety Regulation of Platform-Mediated Work in Ontario, Canada, Eric Tucker
Le droit international privé, Janet Walker
The London Principles and their Impact on Law Reform, Janet Walker
Submissions from 2022
Reframing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at the Intersections of Law & Society, Jane S. Bailey, Carys Craig, Suzie Dunn, and Sonia Lawrence
Looking into Law and Development: Pedagogies and Politics of the Frame, Ruth Buchanan
Resetting the Foundations: Renewing Freedom of Expression Under Section 2(b) of the Charter, Jamie Cameron
Resetting the Foundations: Renewing Freedom of Expression under Section s.2(b) of the Charter, Jamie Cameron
Becoming Competitive on the Worldwide Stage: U.K. Supreme Court Gives Green Light to Class Actions, Suzanne E. Chiodo
English Court of Appeal Looks to Canada in Opening Gates to Competition Law Class Actions, Suzanne E. Chiodo
Not Waiving, But Drowning: Supreme Court of Canada Kills Waiver of Tort as an Independent Cause of Action, Suzanne E. Chiodo
UK Supreme Court Rules that English Companies Can Be Sued for Actions of Foreign Subsidiaries in the Interest of “Substantial Justice”, Suzanne E. Chiodo
Human Rights Provisions in International Investment Treaties and Investor-State Contracts, Barnali Choudhury
The EU, Competition Law and Workers Rights, Nicola Countouris, Valerio De Stefano, and Ioannis Lianos
The Relational Robot: A Normative Lens for AI Legal Neutrality — Commentary on Ryan Abbott, The Reasonable Robot, Carys Craig
The EU Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Platform Work: an overview., Valerio De Stefano
Introduction to A Research Agenda for the Gig Economy and Society, Valerio De Stefano, Ilda Durri, Charalampos Stylogiannis, and Mathias Wouters