This collection comprises articles by Osgoode faculty published in scholarly journals, as well as book chapters and articles published in edited scholarly works, including encyclopedia contributions.


Submissions from 2015

White-Collar Crime, Poonam Puri and Simon Kupi


The Role of Corporate Governance in Curbing Foreign Corrupt Business Practices, Poonam Puri and Andrew Nichol


Whatcott and Hate Speech: Re-thinking Freedom of Expression in the Charter Age, Andre M. Schutten and Richard Haigh


‘We Are the Monitors Now’: Experiential Knowledge, Transcorporeality and Environmental Justice, Dayna Scott


Sex, Gender and the Chemicals Management Plan, Dayna Nadine Scott and Sarah Lewis


The Production of Pollution and Consumption of Chemicals in Canada, Dayna Nadine Scott, Lauren Rakowski, Laila Zahra Harris, and Troy Dixon


The Constitutional Dimensions of Aboriginal Title, Brian Slattery


Foreword for the Inaugural Issue of the Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law (CJCCL), Lorne Sossin


The Complexity of Coherence: Justice LeBel’s Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin


Succession and Transfer of Businesses in Canada, Eric Tucker and Christopher Grisdale


Making or Administering Law and Policy? Discretion and Judgment in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario, Eric Tucker, Alan Hall, Leah F. Vosko, Rebecca Hall, and Elliot Siemiatycki

Book review of An Chen "The Voice from China: An Chen on International Economic Law", Gus Van Harten


Tax Law within the Larger Legal System, J. Scott Wilkie and Peter W. Hogg


The Emerging Personality of the American Corporation, Cynthia Williams


Book Review: The Emerging Personality of the American Corporation, Cynthia A. Williams

Reforming the Culture of Banking, Cynthia A. Williams and John M. Conley


Addressing Access to Justice Through New Legal Service Providers: Opportunities and Challenges, Alice Woolley and Trevor C. W. Farrow


Introduction: War Measures and the Repression of Radicalism, 1914-1939, Barry Wright, Eric Tucker, and Susan Binnie

Submissions from 2014


Introduction, Harry Arthurs


Making Bricks Without Straw: The Creation of a Transnational Labour Regime, Harry Arthurs


From Theory and Research to Policy and Practice in Work and Employment - and beyond?, Harry W. Arthurs


The Future of Law School: Three Visions and a Prediction, Harry W. Arthurs


The Future of Legal Education: Three Visions and a Prediction, Harry W. Arthurs

The Pachyderm and the Predator: Two Fables about the Social Regulation of the Global Firm, Harry W. Arthurs


Socio-legal Scholarship in Canada: A Review of the Field, Harry W. Arthurs and Annie Bunting


“A different day in court”: Exploring the place of judicial mediation in Ontario’s alternative dispute resolution landscape, Nicole Aylwin and Trevor C. W. Farrow

The Failures of Police Legitimacy: Attacks from Within, Margaret Beare

U.S. Organized Crime Control Policies Exported Abroad, Margaret Beare and Michael Woodiwiss


Student Loans and Bankruptcy: Five Years Later, Stephanie Ben-Ishai


Constitutional Principles, Benjamin Berger


Faith in Sovereignty: Religion and Secularism in the Politics of Canadian Federalism, Benjamin Berger


Polygamy and the Predicament of Contemporary Criminal Law, Benjamin Berger


The Virtues of Law in the Politics of Religious Freedom, Benjamin Berger


Religious Diversity, Education, and the "Crisis" in State Neutrality, Benjamin L. Berger


A Crisis and its Afterlife: Some Reflections on ‘Scholars in Self-Estrangement’, Ruth Buchanan


Foreword, Jamie Cameron and Stephanie Ben-Ishai


Out of Tune: Why Copyright Law Needs Music Lessons, Carys Craig

The Canadian Public Domain: What, Where, and to What End?, Carys J. Craig


Diversity in the Boardroom: A Content Analysis of Corporate Proxy Disclosures, Aaron A. Dhir


Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Conceptualization and Framework for Analysis, Burkard Eberlein, Kenneth W. Abbott, Julia Black, Errol Meidinger, and Stepan Wood


Corrective Taxation, Leverage and Compensation in a Bloated Financial Sector, Timothy Edgar


A Response, Fay Faraday and Eric Tucker


What is Access to Justice?, Trevor C. W. Farrow


Poverty Law, Access to Justice, and Ethical Lawyering: Celebrating 40 Years of Clinical Education at Osgoode Hall Law School, Shelley Gavigan and Sean Rehaag

Legal Considerations in Paediatric Patient and Family-Centred Health Care, Joan M. Gilmour


A Tempest in a Transatlantic Teapot: A Legal Historian’s Critical Analysis of Frédéric Bastien’s La Bataille de Londres, Philip Girard

Imperial Legacies: Chartered Enterprises in Northern British America, Philip Girard

The Making of the Canadian Legal Profession: A Hybrid Heritage, Philip Girard


Chewing Cud: Revisiting Hart and Jurisprudence, Allan C. Hutchinson


Some “What If” Thoughts: Notes on Donoghue v Stevenson, Allan C. Hutchinson


Access to Justice and Corporate Accountability: A Legal Case Study of HudBay in Guatemala, Shin Imai, Bernadette Maheandiran, and Valerie Crystal


Municipalities and the Duty to Consult Aboriginal Peoples: A Case Comment on Neskonlith Indian Band v. Salmon Arm (City), Shin Imai and Ashley Stacey


Legal Writing, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, and Professionalism, Shelley Kierstead


2013: Constitutional Cases in Review, Sonia Lawrence


Book Review: Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia, Sonia N. Lawrence

Foreword [to Aboriginal Customary Law: A Source of Common Law Title to Land], Kent McNeil


Indigenous Rights Litigation, Legal History, and the Role of Experts, Kent McNeil

Beyond Merry-Making: Customs of Indigenous Peoples and the Normative Functions of Ceremonies in Pre-Colonial Igbo Societies, Ikechi Mgbeoji


Book Review: Canadian Patent Law, Ikechi Mgbeoji

Food Law in Canada, Ikechi Mgbeoji


The Comprador Complex: Africa’s IPRs Elites, Neo-Colonialism and the Enduring Control of African IPR Agenda by External Interests, Ikechi Mgbeoji


Accessing Justice Amid Threats of Contagion, Janet E. Mosher

Human Capital and the Post-Scripting of Women’s Poverty, Janet E. Mosher

Women Lawyers and Women’s Equality Movements in the late 19th Century: Reflections on Women in Law and the Rise of Féminisme, Mary Jane Mossman


International Human Rights Fact-finding Praxis in its Living Forms: A TWAIL Perspective, Obiora C. Okafor


Objective Mens Rea and Attenuated Subjectivism: Guidance from Justice Charron in R. v. Beatty, Palma Paciocco


Proportionality, Discretion, and the Roles of Judges and Prosecutors at Sentencing, Palma Paciocco

A Public Role for the Intentional Torts, Dan Priel


Private Law: Commutative or Distributive?, Dan Priel


The Justice in Unjust Enrichment, Dan Priel


Profitable Justice: Aligning Third-Party Financing of Litigation with the Normative Functions of the Canadian Judicial System, Poonam Puri


Developments in Financial Services Regulation: A Canadian Perspective, Poonam Puri and Andrew Nichol


Descendants of Realism?: Policy-oriented International Lawyers as Guardians of Democracy, Hengameh Saberi


The Aboriginal Constitution, Brian Slattery

Non-Union Employee Representation in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Resistance and Revitalization, Sara Slinn

Whither Wagner? Reconsidering Labor Law and Policy Reform, Sara Slinn


Promoting Worker Voice through Good Faith Bargaining Laws: The Canadian and Australian Experience, Sara Slinn and Anthony Forsyth

Administrative Justice in an Interconnected World, Lorne Sossin

Diversity and Data in the Canadian Legal Community, Lorne Sossin


Experience the Future of Legal Education, Lorne Sossin


The Goudge Inquiry: Anatomy of Success for an Inquiry to Change Policy?, Lorne Sossin


Charter Values and Administrative Justice, Lorne Sossin and Mark Friedman

Social Rights and Administrative Justice, Lorne Sossin and Andrea Hill

International Civil Service Ethics, Professionalism and the Rule of Law, Lorne Sossin and Vasuda Sinha

Can Worker Voice Strike Back? Law and the Decline and Uncertain Future of Strikes, Eric M. Tucker

Investment Arbitrators’ Evident Lack of Restraint, Gus Van Harten

Judicial Restraint in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Restraint Based on Relative Suitability, Gus Van Harten

The Boom in Parallel Claims in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten


The Canada-China FIPPA: Its Uniqueness and Non-Reciprocity, Gus Van Harten


Reconnecting the Financial Sector to the Real Economy: A Plan for Action, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro

The Public Fiduciary: A Canadian Perspective, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro

Australian and Canadian Perspectives on Arbitration: A Joint Discussion, Janet Walker

Prohibited Means of Obtaining and Presenting Evidence, Janet Walker

The Social Reform of Banking, Cynthia A. Williams and John M. Conley


Proving a Violation: Rhetoric, Research and Remedy, Alan N. Young

Knowledge in Development, Law and Regulation, or How are We To Distinguish Between the Economic and the Non-Economic?, Peer Zumbansen

Submissions from 2013


Labor Law as the Law of Economic Subordination and Resistance: A Thought Experiment, Harry W. Arthurs


"Valour Rather than Prudence": Hard Times and Hard Choices for Canada's Legal Academy, Harry W. Arthurs


Learning the 'How' of the Law: Teaching Procedure and Legal Education, David Bamford, Trevor C. W. Farrow, Michael Karayanni, and Erik S. Knutsen

Listening in ... to Gang Culture, Margaret E. Beare and Chris Hogg