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Source Publication

Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice


Community Mediation Center; Neighborhood Justice Center


This paper traces the development of mediation in the United States along two distinct paths: the court-connected paradigm and the community justice paradigm. In the former, as a child of the labour arbitration movement, the link between mediation and the law appears to have been forged at conception. In the latter, we see two distinct branches: the 'Community Mediation Center' model and the neighborhood Justice Center' model. Of those illustrations of community justice, only the first has been strongly connected to the law and legal institutions, while the second strand has retained its institutional independence. These neighbourhood justice centres appear to have maintained their autonomy by 'staying local' in terms of goals, staff and clients. While this independence is, in itself, a distinct achievement, this paper queries whether it has served to impede the evolution of NJCs in their aspirations to transform society and empower the marginalized inhabitant, when their integration into the mainstream has been so limited

French Abstract

Cet article retrace le de'veloppement de la midiation dans deux voies distinctes : le genre lid aux tribunaux et le genre justice communautaire. Dans le cas de celui-Li, issu du mouvement d'arbitrage dans le domaine du travail, il semble que le lien entre la midiation et la loi ait iti itabli d&s le d6but. Dans le cas de celui-ci, on voit deux branches distinctes: le modele de centre de la midiation communautaire et le modle de centre de justice de voisinage. De ces exemples de justice communautaire, seul le premier a maintenu des liens serris avec la loi et les institutions juridiques, alors que la deuxi~me branche a retenu son indipendance. I semble que ces centres de justice de voisinage aient maintenu leur indipendance institutionnelle en priservant leur 'caract~re local- quant a leurs objectifs, leur personnel et leur cliente. Quoique cette independance soit en soi une rialisation marquie, l'auteure de cet article pose la question a savoir si cette autonomie a servi a retarder l'olution des CJVs dans leurs aspirations de transformer la sociit6 et de rendre plus autonomes les gens marginalisis, leur intigration dans le courant principal ayant iti tellement limitie.

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