Submissions from 1989
Quebec's Executory Hypothec: A History Rewritten?, Tom Johnson
China’s Tax System: An Evaluation, Jinyan Li
Incentives for Foreign Investment in China, Jinyan Li
The Concept of Permanent Establishment in China’s Tax Treaties, Jinyan Li
Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society: An Overview, John D. McCamus
The Role of Proprietary Relief in Modern Restitutionary Law, John D. McCamus
Possession and Title to Land in English Law, Kent McNeil
The Crown’s Title to Lands in England, Kent McNeil
20th Century Music: The Impoverishment in Copyright Law of a Strategy of Forms, Janet E. Mosher
Book Review: Maintenance After Divorce, Mary Jane Mossman
Parental Separation and the Child Custody Decision -- Towards a Reconception, Roxanne Mykitiuk and David Duff
Rights in Conflict: The Dilemma of Charter Legitimacy, Andrew Petter and Allan C. Hutchinson
Education and Linguistic Security in the Charter, Denise Réaume and Leslie Green
Are Constitutional Cases Political?, Brian Slattery
Federal Jurisdiction, Brian Slattery and John M. Evans
Canada Starts Reforming its Copyright Law, David Vaver
Appellate Court Sentencing Principles for Young Offenders, Alan N. Young
"Not Waving But Drowning": A Look at Waiver and Collective Constitutional Rights in the Criminal Process, Alan N. Young
Submissions from 1988
Book Review: Canadian Immigration Law, by David Matas, William H. Angus
Canadian Lawyers: A Peculiar Professionalism, Harry W. Arthurs, Richard Weisman, and Frederick H. Zemans
Enforcing the Charter: Four Remedial Vignettes, Jamie Cameron
The Forgotten Half of Dolphin Delivery: A Comment on the Relationship Between the Substantive Guarantees and Section 1 of the Charter, Jamie Cameron
Labour, the New Constitution and Old Style Liberalism, Judy Fudge
Law, Gender and Ideology, Shelley A. M. Gavigan
Social Control: Analytical Tool or Analytical Quagmire?, Shelley A. M. Gavigan and Dorothy E. Chunn
Lost Cheques, Certification and Countermand—Is the Law Satisfactory?, Benjamin Geva
The Evolving Law of Payment by Wire Transfer—An Outsider's View of Draft UCC Article 4A, Benjamin Geva
Book Review: The Standard Syllabus of Legal Philosophy, Leslie Green
Kant's Liberalism: A Reply to Rolf George, Leslie Green
Un-American Liberalism: Raz's 'Morality of Freedom', Leslie Green
Tilden Rides again: A Comment on Reaume v. Caisse Populaire Ltée, Reuben A. Hasson
The Class Composition Of The Palladium Of Liberty : Trial Jurors In The Eighteenth Century, Douglas C. Hay
Wheeler-Dealing: An Essay on Law, Politics, and Speech, Allan C. Hutchinson and Melinda Jones
Private Rights/Public Wrongs: The Liberal Lie of the Charter, Allan C. Hutchinson and Andrew Petter
People’s Republic of China: Taxation of Private Business and Private Investors, Jinyan Li
People’s Republic of China: Value Added Tax, Jinyan Li
The Constitution Act, 1982, Sections 25 and 35, Kent McNeil
Constitutional Dimensions of the Free Trade Agreement, Patrick Monahan
Educating Men and Women for Service Through Law: Osgoode Hall Law School 1963-1988, Mary Jane Mossman
Individualism and Community: Family as a Mediating Concept, Mary Jane Mossman
"Invisible" Constraints on Lawyering and Leadership: The Case of Women Lawyers, Mary Jane Mossman
Portia's Progress: Women as Lawyers - Reflections on Past and Future, Mary Jane Mossman
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Impact on Economic Policy and Economic Liberty Regarding Women in Employment, Marilyn L. Pilkington
Making the Workplace 'Safe' in Capitalism: The Enforcement of Factory Legislation in Nineteenth Century Ontario, Eric Tucker
Authors' Moral Rights and the Copyright Law Review Committee's Report: W(h)ither Such Rights Now?, David Vaver
Canada, David Vaver
Unconscionability: Panacea, Analgesic or Loose Can(n)on?, David Vaver
International Law and Terrorism: Age-Old Problems, Different Targets, Sharon A. Williams
"Son of Sam" and his Legislative Offspring: The Constitutionality of Stripping Criminals of Their Literary Profits, Alan N. Young
Articling - A Law School Perspective, Frederick H. Zemans
The Changed Legal Profession: Who Has Control of the Market for Legal Services?, Frederick H. Zemans
Submissions from 1987
Liberty, Authority, and the State in American Constitutionalism, Jamie Cameron
The Motor Vehicle Reference and the Relevance of American Doctrine in Charter Adjudication, Jamie Cameron
Unitary Taxation in the United States of America, Jean-Gabriel Castel
The Extradition of Canadian Citizens and Sections I and 6(I) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Jean-Gabriel Castel and Sharon A. Williams
Environmental Assessment in Canada and Indonesia : The Legal Framework : The Legal Framework for Environmental Assessment in Canada, D. Paul Emond
Introductory Overviews of Canadian and Indonesian Approaches to Environmental Law : The Canadian Approach, D. Paul Emond
Spatial Planning in Canada : The Rural Context, D. Paul Emond
Bodies of Literature, Bodies of Law, Simon Fodden
The Right to Strike, Judy Fudge
Women and Abortion in Canada: What's Law Got to Do With It?, Shelley A. M. Gavigan
Women's Crime: New Perspectives and Old Theories, Shelley A. M. Gavigan
CHIPS Transfer of Funds, Benjamin Geva
Daylight Overdrafts and Settlement Failure—Credit Risk Controls in U.S. Wire Systems, Benjamin Geva
FedWire Transfer of Funds, Benjamin Geva
From Commodity to Currency in Ancient History: On Commerce, Tyranny, and the Modern Law of Money, Benjamin Geva
Off-Premises Presentment and Cheque Truncation Under the Bills of Exchange Act, Benjamin Geva
Labour Relations Policy and Law as Mechanisms of Adjustment, Harry J. Glasbeek
Outrage Is Not Enough - Review of Brodeur: Outrageous Misconduct: The Asbestos Industry on Trial, Harry J. Glasbeek
Some Reflections on Canadian Legal Education, Harry J. Glasbeek and Reuben A. Hasson
The Rhetoric of Rights: The Supreme Court and the Charter, Marc Gold
Are Language Rights Fundamental?, Leslie Green
Book Review: The Authoritative and the Authoritarian, Leslie Green
The Political Content of Legal Theory, Leslie Green
Discipline and Punishment in the Law of Unemployment Insurance: A Critical View of Disqualifications and Disentitlement, Reuben Hasson
Good Faith in Contract Law - Some Lessons from Insurance Law, Reuben A. Hasson
Archival Research in the History of the Law: A User's Perspective, Douglas Hay
Contempt by Scandalizing the Court: A Political History on the First Hundred Years, Douglas Hay
The Charter of Rights and American Theories of Interpretation, Peter W. Hogg
The Dolphin Delivery Case: The Application of the Charter to Private Action, Peter W. Hogg
And Law (or Further Adventures of the Jondo), Allan C. Hutchinson
Charter Litigation and Social Change: Legal Battles and Social Wars, Allan C. Hutchinson
Democracy and the Rule of Law, Allan C. Hutchinson
Indiana Dworkin and Law's Empire, Allan C. Hutchinson
Toward a Democratic Theory of Law: From Pluralism to Populism, Allan C. Hutchinson
Le Régime Universel Néo-Zélandais, Terence G. Ison
In a Manner of Speaking: Towards a Reconstitution of Property in Mid-Nineteenth Century Quebec, Tom Johnson
The New Regulatory Tax on Individual Income, Jinyan Li
Discussion of Individual Income Tax Law, Jinyan Li and Alexander J. Easson
Tan Zhongguo Dui Waiguo Touzi de Zhengshui, Jinyan Li and Alexander J. Easson
Taxation of Foreign Business and Investment in the People’s Republic of China, Jinyan Li and Alexander J. Easson
Restitutionary Recovery of Benefits Conferred under Contracts in Conflict with Statutory Policy - The New Golden Rule, John D. McCamus
The Recent Expansion of Fiduciary Obligation: Common Themes and Future Developments, John D. McCamus
The Design of Courses in Contract and Contractual Obligations, John D. McCamus and P. G. Jobin
Law and Learning Revisited: Discourse, Theory and Research, Johann W. Mohr
A Critics' Guide to the Charter, Patrick Monahan
Judicial Review and Democracy: A Theory of Judicial Review, Patrick J. Monahan
Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1985-86 Term, Patrick Monahan and Andrew Petter
Book Review: Equality Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, edited by Anne F. Bayefsky and Mary Eberts, Mary Jane Mossman