Submissions from 1991
Straight Talk: Male Heterosexual Privilege, Bruce Ryder
Social Values Projected and Protected: A Brief Appraisal of the Federal and Ontario Government Proposals, Craig M. Scott
Aboriginal Language Rights, Brian Slattery
Aboriginal Sovereignty and Imperial Claims, Brian Slattery
Rights, Communities, and Tradition, Brian Slattery
Industry and Humanity Revisited: Everything Old is New Again: Review of Paul C. Weiler, Governing the Workplace, Eric Tucker
"That Indefinite Area of Toleration": Criminal Conspiracy and Trade Unions in Ontario, 1837-77, Eric Tucker
A Bang and a Whimper: Changing Labour Law in Ontario, Eric M. Tucker, Judy Fudge, and Harry J. Glasbeek
Can Intellectual Property be Taken to Satisfy a Judgement Debt?, David Vaver
Of Scientism and Storytelling: Perspectives on the Economic Analysis of Remedies for Breach of Contract, Cynthia A. Williams
Extradition and the Death Penalty Exception in Canada: Resolving the Ng and Kindler Cases, Sharon A. Williams
The Double Criminality Rule and Extradition: A Comparative Analysis, Sharon A. Williams
All Along the Watchtower: Arbitrary Detention and the Police Function, Alan Young
Submissions from 1990
No More than Simple Justice: Assessing the Royal Commission Report on Women, Poverty and the Family, Erika Abner, Mary Jane Mossman, and Elizabeth Pickett
Making Taxpayer Compliance Easier : Preliminary Findings of a Canadian Survey, Neil Brooks
Cross Cultural Reflections: Teaching the Charter to Americans, Jamie Cameron
The First Amendment and Section 1 of the Charter, Jamie Cameron
Conflict of Laws - Foreign Tort - Not Justifiable by the Lex Loci Delicti - Residence of Defendant - Interprovincial Comity - Judicial Creativity, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Le règlement des différends en vertu de l'Accord de libre-échange entre le Canada et les États-Unis, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Multistate Defamation: Should the Place of Publication Rule be Abandoned for Jurisdiction and Choice of Law Purposes?, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Of Persons and Property: The Politics of Legal Taxonomy, David Cohen and Allan C. Hutchinson
A Matter of Difference: Domestic Contracts and Gender Equality, Brenda Cossman
Problems in Mass Adjudication: The Courts' Contribution, John M. Evans
Unauthorized Legal Practice Prosecutions and Independent Paralegals in Ontario and the United States, John A. Flood and Frederick H. Zemans
What Do We Mean by Law and Social Transformation?, Judy Fudge
Equality in Employment for Women: The Role of Affirmative Action., Shelley A. M. Gavigan and Nikki Cunningham
Banking Services Law - A Canadian Perspective on the Jack Report, Benjamin Geva
International Funds Transfer: Performance by Wire Payment, Benjamin Geva
Payment into a Bank Account, Benjamin Geva
Contempt for Workers, Harry J. Glasbeek
From Constitutional Rights to 'Real' Rights - "R-i-i-g-hts Fo-or-wa-ard Ho"!?, Harry J. Glasbeek
Second Class Rights? Principle and Compromise in the Charter, Leslie Green and Denise Réaume
Interpreting the Charter of Rights: Generosity and Justification, Peter W. Hogg
Jurisdiction Over Telecommunications: Alberta Government Telephones v. CRTC, Peter W. Hogg
Torts -- Nuisance -- Defence of Statuatory Authority: Tock v. St. John's Metropolitan Area Board, Peter W. Hogg
A Poetic Champion Composes: Unger (Not) on Ecology and Women, Allan C. Hutchinson
Mice Under a Chair: Democracy, Courts, and the Administrative State, Allan C. Hutchinson
Money Talk: Against Constitutionalizing (Commercial) Speech, Allan C. Hutchinson
Daydream Believing: Visionary Formalism and the Constitution, Allan C. Hutchinson and Andrew Petter
Paradise Postponed, Allan C. Hutchinson and Andrew Petter
Rights to Employment under the Workers' Compensation Acts and Other Statutes, Terence G. Ison
People’s Republic of China: The New Income Tax on Foreign Investment, Jinyan Li
People’s Republic of China: Foreign Tax Update, Jinyan Li and Alexander J. Easson
Remedies for Breach of Fiduciary Duty, John D. Mccamus
A Question of Title: Has the Common Law Been Misapplied to Dispossess the Aboriginals?, Kent McNeil
The Temagami Indian Land Claim: Loosening the Judicial Strait-Jacket, Kent McNeil
After Meech Lake: An Insider's View, Patrick J. Monahan
Access to Civil Justice: A Review of Canadian Academic Legal Scholarship 1977-1987, Mary Jane Mossman
Book Review: Abortion and Divorce in Western Law: American Failures and European Challenges, Mary Jane Mossman
Book Review: The Hidden Gender of Law, Mary Jane Mossman
Re-Thinking the Feminization of Poverty, Mary Jane Mossman
Women Lawyers in Twentieth Century Canada : Re-Thinking the Image of Portia, Mary Jane Mossman
A Study of the Response of Transnational Environmental Law and Policy to the Environmental Problems of East Asia and the South Pacific, Benjamin J. Richardson
Australian Practice Pursuant to the World Heritage Convention, Benjamin J. Richardson
Equality Rights and Sexual Orientation: Confronting Heterosexual Family Privilege, Bruce Ryder
Copyright Phase 2: The New Horizon, David Vaver
Intellectual Property Today: Of Myths and Paradoxes, David Vaver
What is a Trade Secret?, David Vaver
Duplicative Litigation: Issue Estoppel, Abuse of Process and the Death of Mutuality, Garry D. Watson
Issue Estoppel, Abuse of Process and Repetitive Litigation: The Death of Mutuality, Garry D. Watson
Canadian Lawyer, Cynthia A. Williams
Re-forming Women's Truth: A Critique of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women, Cynthia A. Williams
Extradition to a State That Imposes the Death Penalty, Sharon A. Williams
Catching Copyright Criminals: R. v. Miles of Music Ltd., Alan N. Young
From Elvis's Pelvis to As Nasty as They Wanna Be: Freedom of Expression and Contemporary Popular Music, Alan N. Young
Greffe: A Section 8 Triumph or a Thorn in the Side of Law Enforcement, Alan N. Young
Making the Justice System Balance: Beyond the Zuber Report, Frederick H. Zemans
Submissions from 1989
Legal Ethics: Ideology, Interest and Implementation of a Professional Ethical Code, Harry W. Arthurs
Prometheus Unbound: Law in the University, Harry W. Arthurs
“The Right to Golf”: Reflections on the Future of Workers, Unions and the Rest of Us Under the Charter, Harry W. Arthurs
Language as Violence v. Freedom of Expression: Canadian and American Perspectives on Group Defamation, Jamie Cameron
The Original Conception of Section 1 and its Demise: A Comment on Irwin Toy V. A-G of Quebec, Jamie Cameron
The Settlement of Disputes Under the 1988 Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, Jean-Gabriel Castel
The Uruguay Round and the Improvements to the Gatt Dispute Settlement Rules and Procedures, Jean-Gabriel Castel
The New Fordism in Canada: Capital's Offensive, Labour's Opportunity, Daniel Drache and Harry J. Glasbeek
Federal Jurisdiction -- Pendent Parties -- Aboriginal Title and Federal Common Law -- Charter Challenges -- Reform Proposals: Roberts v. Canada, J. M. Evans and Brian Slattery
The Privatization of the Costs of Social Reproduction: Some Recent Charter Cases, Judy Fudge
Petit Treason in Eighteenth Century England: Women's Inequality Before the Law, Shelley A. M. Gavigan
The E.F.T. Debit Card, Benjamin Geva
A No-Frills Look at the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or How Politicians and Lawyers Hide Reality, Harry J. Glasbeek
Some Strategies for an Unlikely Task: The Progressive Use of Law, Harry J. Glasbeek
Privatizing Discipline - The Case of Mandatory Drug Testing, Harry J. Glasbeek and D. McRobert
Associative Obligations and the State, Leslie Green
Book Review: The Jurisprudence of Orthodoxy, Leslie Green
Book Review: The Moral Foundation of Rights, Leslie Green
Law, Legitimacy, and Consent, Leslie Green
Legal Ethics: Sociology and Morality, Leslie Green
Loyalty, Security, and Democracy, Leslie Green
What's Your Favourite Right - The Charter and Income Maintenance Legislation, Reuben Hasson
Prosecution and Power: Malicious Prosecution in the English Courts, 1750-1850, Douglas C. Hay
Using the Criminal Law, 1750-1850: Policing, Private Prosecution, and the State, Douglas C. Hay and Francis Snyder
Necessity in a Consitutional Crisis, Peter W. Hogg
Democracy and Determinacy: An Essay on Legal Interpretation, Allan C. Hutchinson
Talking the Good Life: From Free Speech to Democratic Dialogue, Allan C. Hutchinson
That's Just the Way it is: Langille on Law, Allan C. Hutchinson
The Importance of Not Being Ernest, Allan C. Hutchinson
The Three 'Rs': Reading/Rorty/Radically, Allan C. Hutchinson