This collection comprises articles by Osgoode faculty published in scholarly journals, as well as book chapters and articles published in edited scholarly works, including encyclopedia contributions.


Submissions from 1997


The Charter Dialogue between Courts and Legislatures (Or Perhaps the Charter of Rights Isn't Such a Bad Thing after All), Peter W. Hogg and Allison A. Bushell

Book Review: The Reasoning Game: Some Pragmatic Responses, Allan C. Hutchinson

Life After Shopping: From Consumers to Citizens, Allan C. Hutchinson


Aboriginal Nations and the Canadian Nation, Shin Imai


A Constitutional Bill of Rights - The Canadian Experience, Terence G. Ison


The Perils of Poverty: Prostitutes' Rights, Police Misconduct, and Poverty Law, Ray Kuszelewski and Dianne L. Martin

Advance Tax Rulings in China, Jinyan Li

China’s Tax Treaties, Jinyan Li

Counteracting Corruption in Tax Administration in Transitional Economies: A Case Study of China, Jinyan Li

Relationship between Domestic Anti-avoidance Provisions and Tax Treaties, Jinyan Li and Daniel Sandler


Prometheus Unbound: Fiduciary Obligation in the Supreme Court of Canada, John D. McCamus


Aboriginal Lands and Resources: An Assessment of the Royal Commission's Recommendations, Kent McNeil


Aboriginal Rights in Canada in 1996: An Overview of the Decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, Kent McNeil


Aboriginal Title and Aboriginal Rights: What's the Connection?, Kent McNeil


Co-Existence of Indigenous Rights and Other Interests in Land in Australia and Canada, Kent McNeil


Extinguishment of Native Title: The High Court and American Law, Kent McNeil


How Can Infringements of the Constitutional Rights of Aboriginal Peoples Be Justified?, Kent McNeil


Reduction by Definition: The Supreme Court's Treatment of Aboriginal Rights in 1996, Kent McNeil

The Meaning of Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil


Child Support or Support for Children?: Re-Thinking the "Public" and "Private" in Family Law, Mary Jane Mossman

Family Law and Social Assistance: Rethinking Equality, Mary Jane Mossman

The Charter and Access to Justice in Canada, Mary Jane Mossman

Is There a Legitimacy Deficit in International Legal Scholarship and Practice?, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

Students' Union Courts as Arbitral Tribunals in Nigerian Law: The Case of the University of Nigeria, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

The Concept of Legitimate Governance in the Contemporary International System, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

The Global Process of Legitimation and the Legitimacy of Global Governance, Obiora Chinedu Okafor


Parkdale Community Legal Services: An Investment in Legal Education, Marilyn L. Pilkington

Economic Instruments and Reform of the RMA, Benjamin J. Richardson

Book Review: Environmental Law: A Guide to Concepts, Benjamin J. Richardson and E. Kasai

Book Review: The Politics of Imagination: Roberto Mangabeira Unger’s, What Should Become of Legal Analysis, Lorne Sossin

The Politics of Imagination, Lorne Sossin

The New Equality Paradigm: The Impact of Charter Equality Rights on Private Law Decisions, Kate Sutherland

The Employer Response to Experience Rating: What Can the Studies Tell Us?, Eric M. Tucker


Copyright in Canada: The New Millennium, David Vaver


The Copyright Amendments of 1997, David Vaver


Interprovincial Sovereign Immunity Revisited, Janet Walker

Class Actions in Ontario: Fresh Prospects for Securities Litigation?, Janet Walker and C. F. Scott

Inequality, Market Discrimination and Credit Markets, Cynthia A. Williams and I. Ramsay

Renegades and Vigilantes in Multilateral Environmental Regimes: Lessons of the 1995 ‘Turbot War’, Stepan Wood

Adversarial Justice and the Charter of Rights: Stunting the Growth of the "Living Tree" [Part 1], Alan N. Young

Adversarial Justice and the Charter of Rights: Stunting the Growth of the "Living Tree" [Part 2], Alan N. Young

The Rise and Fall of the Charter Empire, Alan N. Young


The Dream Is Still Alive: Twenty-Five Years of Parkdale Community Legal Services and the Osgoode Hall Law School Intensive Program in Poverty Law, Frederick H. Zemans

Carl Schmitt und die Suche nach politischer Einheit [Carl Schmitt and the Search for Political Unity], Peer Zumbansen

Submissions from 1996

Labour Law without the State?, Harry W. Arthurs


Lawyering in Canada in the 21st Century, Harry W. Arthurs


Law, Legal Institutions, and the Legal Profession in the New Economy, Harry W. Arthurs and Robert Kreklewich

Tradition and Change Under the Charter: The Adversary System, Third Party Interests and the Legitimacy of Criminal Justice in Canada, Jamie Cameron


Customs Censorship and the Charter: The Little Sisters Case, Brenda Cossman and Bruce Ryder

Amending the Competition Act, Trevor C. W. Farrow and Kent E. Thomson


Rungs on the Labour Law Ladder: Using Gender to Challenge Hierarchy, Judy Fudge

Familial Ideology and the Limits of Difference, Shelley A. M. Gavigan


Poverty Law and Poor People: The Place of Gender and Class in Clinic Practice, Shelley A. M. Gavigan

The Domestic Payment System: Policies, Structure, Operation and Risk, Benjamin Geva


Uniformity in Commercial Law: Is the UCC Exportable?, Benjamin Geva

Book Review: Multicultural Citizenship, Leslie Green

The Concept of Law Revisited, Leslie Green


Who Believes in Political Obligation?, Leslie Green

Book Review: The Principles of Unemployment Law, Richard Haigh

Franchising in the Shadow of Contract Law: A New Fidelity for Business Relations, Richard Haigh

Stivactas v Michaletos, Richard Haigh

Civilians Tried in Military Courts: Quebec, 1759-1764, Douglas C. Hay

‘Government by Will and Pleasure instead of Law’: Military Justice and the Legal System in Quebec, 1775-1783, Douglas C. Hay


Towards Judicial Accountabillity - Are the Excuses Getting Lamer?, Allan C. Hutchinson

A Plea for Justice: Bargaining in the Shadow of the Courts, Allan C. Hutchinson and A. Bernstein

Taxation of Business Entities, Jinyan Li

Taxpayers Rights in Canada, Jinyan Li

Technology Transfer to China - A Tax Analysis, Jinyan Li

Transfer Pricing in China, Jinyan Li

The Appropriate Tax Treatment of the Reimbursement of Moving Expenses, Jinyan Li and Brian J. Arnold

The Canadian Bill of Rights Movement, Michael Mandel

The Dialectics of Constitutional Repression, Michael Mandel

Civil Justice Reform: What Do We Know?, John D. McCamus


Aboriginal Governments and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Kent McNeil


Racial Discrimination and Unilateral Extinguishment of Native Title, Kent McNeil

Disclosure of Abused Women's Therapeutic Records in Criminal Justice Proceedings, Janet E. Mosher

Bertha Wilson, Mary Jane Mossman

Human Rights in the Legal Profession: Education as a Strategy for Change, Mary Jane Mossman

Between Normative Idealism and National Interest: The Structure and Process of Oppression in UN Non/Intervention in African Civil Strife, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

The Fundamental Right to a Travel Passport under Nigerian Law: An Integrated Viewpoint, Obiora Chinedu Okafor


Discursive Deficits: A Feminist Perspective on the Power of Technical Knowledge in Fiscal Law and Policy, Lisa Philipps

Tax Policy and the Gendered Distribution of Wealth, Lisa Philipps


The Rise of Balanced Budget Laws in Canada: Legislating Fiscal (Ir)Responsibility, Lisa C. Philipps

Conservation of Wetlands in Fiji: Reconciling Customary Resource Use with Government Regulation, Benjamin J. Richardson

Public Environmental Inquiries: Lessons for New Zealand, Benjamin J. Richardson

Scales of Environmental Management: Wetlands Conservation in Kenya and Uganda, Benjamin J. Richardson

Egan v. Canada: Equality Deferred, Again, Bruce Ryder


Developments in Constitutional Law: The 1994-95 Term, David Schneiderman, Hester Lessard, Bruce Ryder, and Margot Young


Indigenous Self-Determination and Decolonization of the International Imagination: A Plea, Craig M. Scott


Law's Meaning, Brian Slattery


The Organic Constitution: Aboriginal Peoples and the Evolution of Canada, Brian Slattery

The Administration and Criminalization of the Homeless: Notes on the Possibilities and Limits of Bureaucratic Engagement, Lorne Sossin

The Sounds of Silence: Law Clerks, Policy-Making and the Supreme Court of Canada, Lorne Sossin

Worker Health and Safety Struggles: Democratic Possibilities and Constraints, Eric Tucker


Forging Responsible Unions: Metal Workers and the Rise of the Labour Injunction in Canada, Eric Tucker and Judy Fudge

Copyright and the State in Canada and the United States, David Vaver


Rejuvenating Copyright, David Vaver

Cuba: Will New United States Law Hurt Canadians?, Janet Walker and Geoff Creighton

Should Businesses Fear Canadian Class Actions?, Janet Walker and Barry A. Leon

From an Adversarial to a Managed System of Litigation, Garry D. Watson