This collection comprises articles by Osgoode faculty published in scholarly journals, as well as book chapters and articles published in edited scholarly works, including encyclopedia contributions.


Submissions from 2000

Guatemala’s Peace Accords in a Free Trade Area of the Americas, Gus Van Harten

Justice Gérard La Forest and the Internationalist Turn in Canadian Jurisprudence, Robert Wai


Occupying the International: Liberal Internationalist Visions and Policy Argumentation in Private International Law, Robert Wai


"Are We There Yet?": Towards a New Rule for Choice of Law in Tort, Janet Walker

International Dispute Resolution in the 21st Century: The Role of National Courts, Janet Walker


Parallel Proceedings-Converging Views: The Westec Appeal, Janet Walker


Preface, Janet Walker

Constitutional Limits on Service Ex Juris: Unanswered Questions from Morguard, Garry D. Watson and Frank Au


The Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court: From 1947-2000 and beyond, Sharon A. Williams


The Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court - Universal Jurisdiction or State Consent - To Make or Break the Package Deal, Sharon A. Williams


The Community Legal Clinic Quality Assurance Program: An Innovative Experience in Quality Assurance in Legal Aid, Frederick H. Zemans

Drittschützende Wirkung eines Anwaltvertrages und verdeckte Sacheinlage [Third Party Protection of a Consultancy Contract and Corporate Finance], Peer Zumbansen

Note to Bundesgerichtshof - Federal Court of Justice, Decision of 18 May 2000 - IX ZR 43/99 (BGH NJW 2000, 2501), Peer Zumbansen

Private Law (Contracts): Die falsch ausgelieferten Heizkörperregler, Peer Zumbansen and Kilian Bälz

Submissions from 1999

A Global Code of Ethics for the Transnational Legal Field?, Harry W. Arthurs

The New Economy and the New Legality: Industrial Citizenship and the Future of Labour Arbitration, Harry W. Arthurs

TINA x 2: Constitutionalizing Neo-conservatism and Regional Economic Integration, Harry W. Arthurs

Illegal Migration: Personal Tragedies, Social Problems, or National Security Threats?, Margaret E. Beare

Overview of Organized Crime and Money Laundering in Canada, Margaret E. Beare

Comments on the Paper by Robin W. Boadway and Harry M. Kitchen, Neil Brooks

Making Disclosure: Ideas and Interests in Ontario Securities Regulations, Mary G. Condon


M v. H: Time to Clean Up Your Acts, Brenda Cossman and Bruce Ryder


Follow a Rule/Follow a Rhythm: Sharing Practice in a Gitano Quarter in Jerez, Andalucia, Susan G. Drummond and Jean-Marc Sellen


Attacks on Your Reputation: Potential Responses, Trevor C. W. Farrow


Book Review: Women and the Canadian Welfare State: Challenges and Change, By Patricia M. Evans and Gerda R. Wekerle (eds), Judy Fudge


New Wine into Old Bottles: Updating Legal Forms to Reflect Changing Employment Norms, Judy Fudge

A Parent(ly) Knot: Can Heather Have Two Mommies?, Shelley A. M. Gavigan


Legal Forms, Family Forms, Gender Norms: What is a Spouse?, Shelley A. M. Gavigan

Poverty Law, Theory, and Practice: The Place of Gender and Class in Access to Justice, Shelley A. M. Gavigan

Cross-Border Credit Transfers in Euros: Legal and Operational Aspects, Benjamin Geva

Minors, Joan M. Gilmour


Class War: Ontario Teachers and the Courts, Harry J. Glasbeek


Positivism and Conventionalism, Leslie Green

Sexuality, Authenticity, and Morality, Leslie Green


Who Believes in Political Obligation?, Leslie Green

Reconstructing Paradise: Canada’s Health Care System, Alternative Medicine and the Charter of Rights, Richard Haigh


The State and the Market: Lord Kenyon and Mr. Waddington, Douglas Hay


Reply to "Six Degrees of Dialogue", Peter W. Hogg and Allison A. Thornton

Going Places: Moving Beyond Crisis, Allan C. Hutchinson

Supreme Court Inc: The Business of Democracy and Rights, Allan C. Hutchinson

The Rule of Law Revisited: Democracy and Courts, Allan C. Hutchinson

Evidence in Aboriginal Rights Litigation, Shin Imai

Rethinking Canada’s Source Rules in the Age of Electronic Commerce, Jinyan Li

Social Security Reform in China – A Tax Lawyer’s Perspective, Jinyan Li


Democracy and the New Constitutionalism in Israel, Michael Mandel

Solomonic or Mulronic?, Michael Mandel

Fiduciary Obligation and Commercial Law, John D. McCamus


Social Darwinism and Judicial Conceptions of Indian Title in Canada in the 1880s, Kent McNeil


Sovereignty and the Aboriginal Nations of Rupert's Land, Kent McNeil


The Onus of Proof of Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil

The Public Policy Role of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Secession Reference, Patrick J. Monahan

Roll Again: New Developments Concerning Gaming, Patrick J. Monahan and A. Gerold Goldlist

Book Review: Women and Family Law: Connecting the Public and the Private, Mary Jane Mossman

Gender Equality and the Canadian Charter: 'Making Rights Work' for Women?, Mary Jane Mossman


Regulating Reproductive Technologies in Canada, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Albert Wallrap

International Law, Human Rights and the Allegory of the Ogoni Question, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

Legitimate Governance in Africa - International and Domestic Legal Perspectives: An Introduction, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

The UN and the 1993 Crisis of Legitimate Governance in Nigeria: A Critical Overview, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

Toward the Enhancement of the Relevance and Effectiveness of the Movement for Legitimate Governance in Africa, Obiora Chinedu Okafor

Book Review: Smart Regulation: Designing Environmental Policy, Benjamin J. Richardson

Changing Regulatory Spaces: The Privatization of New Zealand Environmental Law, Benjamin J. Richardson

New Generation Environmental Policy Tools in New Zealand: Role of Market Mechanisms, Benjamin J. Richardson

Introduction: New Challenges for Environmental Law and Policy, Benjamin J. Richardson and Klaus Bosselmann

Outlook: In Search for Future Environmental Law and Policy, Benjamin J. Richardson and Klaus Bosselmann

Iwi Management Plans and the Resource Management Act, Benjamin J. Richardson and Kiri Chanwai

The Future of the New Zealand Resource Management Act, Benjamin J. Richardson and Kenneth A. Palmer

Ratifying a Post-Referendum Agreement on Quebec Sovereignty, Peter Russell and Bruce B. Ryder

Undercover Censorship: Exploring the History of the Regulation of Publications in Canada, Bruce B. Ryder

The Standards Regime for Communication and Information Technologies, Liora Salter

Canada’s International Human Rights Obligations and Disadvantaged Members of Society: Finally Into the Spotlight?, Craig M. Scott


Reaching Beyond (Without Abandoning) the Category of `Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’, Craig M. Scott


Social Rights: Towards a Principled, Pragmatic Judicial Role, Craig M. Scott


Some Thoughts on Aboriginal Title, Brian Slattery

Labour Policy in the Internet Age: Europe's Answer to the Market Challenge, Sara Slinn and Anil Verma

Developments in Administrative Law: the 1997-98 and 1998-99 Terms, Lorne Sossin

Lessons From The Pupil: A Canadian Solution To The American Exclusionary Rule Debate, James Stribopoulos


Reasonable Expectations of Privacy and Open Fields: Taking The American ‘Risk Analysis’ Head On, James Stribopoulos

The Constitutionalization Of ‘Fault’ In Canada - A Normative Critique, James Stribopoulos

The Death of Ivan Golyashov: Was it Just an Accident?, Eric M. Tucker

The Lonesome Death of Alexander Reder, Alien Cloakmaker, Eric M. Tucker

Issues of Current Concern in European Intellectual Property Law, David Vaver

Sentencing Black Offenders in the Ontario Criminal Justice System, Cynthia A. Williams

Racial and Gender Equality in Markets for Financial Services, Cynthia A. Williams and I. Ramsay


The New Global Environmental Standards, Stepan Wood

How to Wake a Sleeping Giant, Alan N. Young

The State that Cried Wolf, Alan N. Young


Can Community Clinics Survive?: A Comparative Study of Law Centres in Australia, Ontario and England, Frederick H. Zemans and Aneurin Thomas

Book Review: Richard Posner, Legal Theory in the UK and USA, Oxford 1996, Peer Zumbansen

Semantics of European Law, Peer Zumbansen

Ausländerrecht und internationales Familienrecht [Immigration Law and International Family Law], Peer Zumbansen and Kilian Bälz

Submissions from 1998

A Collective Labour Law for the Global Economy?, Harry W. Arthurs

Globalization and its Discontents, Harry W. Arthurs


The Political Economy of Canadian Legal Education, Harry W. Arthurs

Why Canadian Law Schools Do Not Teach Legal Ethics, Harry W. Arthurs


Flattening the Claims of the Flat Taxers, Neil Brooks

Cigarette Packages, Tobacco Consumption and the Charter: The Role of Perception and Harm in Charter Analysis, Jamie Cameron

To Amend the Process of Amendment, Jamie Cameron


Deep Economic Integration between Canada and the United States, the Emergence of Strategic Innovation Policy and the Need for Trade Law Reform, Jean-Gabriel Castel and C. M. Gastle


Reforming Child Custody and Access Law in Canada: A Discussion Paper, Brenda Cossman and Roxanne Mykitiuk


Introduction: The Practices of Alternative Dispute Resolution, D. Paul Emond