Submissions from 2017
Technological Neutrality: Recalibrating Copyright in the Information Age, Carys J. Craig
Leaving Labour Law's Pragmatic and Purposive Fortress Behind: Canadian Union Successor Rights Law as a Case Study, Pascal McDougall
Indigenous Law and Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil
Law and Digestion: A Brief History of an Unpalatable Idea, Dan Priel
The Return of Legal Realism, Dan Priel
Undercompensating for Discrimination: An Empirical Study of General Damages Awards Issued by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, 2000-2015, Audra Ranalli and Bruce Ryder
The Rule of Law, Legal Pluralism, and Challenges to a Western-centric View: Some Very Preliminary Observations, Peer Zumbansen
Submissions from 2016
The Conventions of Constitutional Amendment in Canada, Richard Albert
Bordering the Constitution, Constituting the Border, Efrat Arbel
Mining the Philosophers’ Stone: Sixteen Tons and What Do You Get? Another Day Older and Deeper in Doubt, Harry W. Arthurs
Corruption at the Intersection of Business and Government: The OECD Convention, Supply-Side Corruption and Canada's Anti-Corruption Efforts to Date, Milos Barutciski and Sabrina A. Bandali
Reassessing the Quality of Government in China, Margaret Boittin, Greg Distelhorst, and Francis Fukuyama
Collateral Thoughts on Dialogue's Legacy as Metaphor and Theory: A Favourite from Canada, Jamie Cameron
Law, Politics, and Legacy Building at the McLachlin Court in 2014, Jamie Cameron
Legality, Legitimacy and Constitutional Amendment in Canada, Jamie Cameron
Contested Citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Elena Cirkovic
Process and Reconciliation: Integrating the Duty to Consult with Environmental Assessment, Alastair Neil Craik
Taxing State-Owned Enterprises: Understanding a Basic Institution of State Capitalism, Wei Cui
Just Notice Reform: Enhanced Statutory Termination Provisions for the 99%, Bruce J. Curran and Sara Slinn
A Law of Just Transitions?: Putting Labor Law to Work on Climate Change, David J. Doorey
Cosmopolitanism, Custom and Complexity: Kant's Cosmopolitan Norms in Action, Tracey Leigh Dowdeswell
Risk-Based Overrides of Share Ownership as Specific Anti-Avoidance Rules, Timothy Edgar
Islamic Law and Constitution-Making: The Authoritarian Temptation and the Arab Spring, Mohammad Fadel
Everyday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada: Overview Report, Trevor C. W. Farrow, Ab Currie, Nicole Aylwin, Lesley Jacobs, David Northrup, and Lisa Moore
Designing Emotional and Psychological Support into Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, Verlyn F. Francis
Best Practice for the Uniform Treatment of Wire Payments, Benjamin Geva
Electronic Verification of Wire Payment Orders, Benjamin Geva
Forgery Losses: Banks Beware!, Benjamin Geva
From Paper to Electronic Order: The Digitalization of the Check in the USA, Benjamin Geva
Is the Death of the Paper Cheque Upon Us?: The Electronic Presentment and Deposit of Cheques in Canada, Benjamin Geva
Liability on a Cheque: A Legal History, Benjamin Geva
Payment Law: Legislative Competence in Canada, Benjamin Geva
The Fictitious Payee Strikes Again: The Continuing Misadventures of BEA S. 20(5), Benjamin Geva
The Processor and the Contractual Matrix in a Card Scheme: How Privity Fell and Resurrected in Aldo V. Moneris, Benjamin Geva
Lessons from Washington and Colorado: The Potential Financial Gains of Recreational Marijuana to Canada, Nachshon Goltz and Ekaterina Bogdanov
Compact Is Back: The Revival of the Compact Theory of Confederation by the Supreme Court, Sébastien Grammond
Book Review: Joseph Rikhof, The Criminal Refugee: The Treatment of Asylum Seekers with a Criminal Background in International and Domestic Law, Angus Gavin Grant
PS v Ontario: Rethinking the Role of the Charter in Civil Commitment, Isabel Grant and Peter J. Carver
Banning Bribes Abroad: U.S. Enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Ellen Gutterman
Evaluating the Impact of Remedial Authority: Adjudicative Tribunals in the Health Sector, Steven J. Hoffman and Lorne Sossin
As Good as It Gets? Security, Asylum, and the Rule of Law after the Certificate Trilogy, Graham Hudson
Why I Don't Teach Administrative Law (And Perhaps Why I Should?), Allan C. Hutchinson
Consult, Consent and Veto: International Norms and Canadian Treaties, Shin Imai
Will It Ever Be 50/50?: Diversity and Gender in the Law Firm and on Corporate Boards, Kathleen Killin
China and BEPS: From Norm-Taker to Norm-Shaker, Jinyan Li
Have We Legalized Corruption?: The Impacts of Expanding Municipal Authority Without Safeguards in Toronto and Ontario, Stanley Makuch and Maathew Shuman
Conservatives, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution: Judicial-Government Relations, 2006-15, Christopher P. Manfredi
‘By the Court’: The Untold Story of a Canadian Judicial Innovation, Peter McCormick
Aboriginal Title and Indigenous Governance: Identifying the Holders of Rights and Authority, Kent McNeil
Indigenous Territorial Rights in the Common Law, Kent McNeil
La Relativité de la Souveraineté de Jure au Canada, 1600-2016, Kent McNeil
Inventing Legal Combat: Pro-Poor 'Struggles' in the Human Rights Jurisprudence of the Nigerian Appellate Courts, 1999-2011, Obiora Chinedu Okafor and Basil E. Ugochukwu
The Unbearable License of Being the Executive: A Response to Stacey's Permanent Environmental Emergency, Bruce Pardy
Registered Savings Plans and the Making of Middle Class Canada: Toward a Performative Theory of Tax Policy, Lisa Philipps
The Brazilian Clean Company Act: Using Institutional Multiplicity for Effective Punishment, Mariana Mota Prado, Lindsey D. Carson, and Izabela Correa
The Role of Corporate Governance in Curbing Foreign Corrupt Business Practices, Poonam Puri and Andrew Nichol
Reconsidering Copyright's Constitutionality, Graham Reynolds
Corruption and Development: The Need of International Investigations with a Multijurisdictional Approach and the Involvement of Multilateral Development Banks with National Authorities, Juan Ronderos, Michelle Ratpan, and Andrea Osorio Rincon
Virtue Pedagogy and International Law Teaching, Hengameh Saberi
The Duty of Corporate Directors to Tie Executive Compensation to the Long-Term Sustainability of the Firm, Alberto Salazar and Muthana Mohamed
The ‘Objectives’ and ‘Principles’ of the WTO Trips Agreement: A Detailed Anatomy, Alison Slade
The Promise of the Rule of (Environmental) Law: A Reply to Pardy's Unbearable Licence, Jocelyn Stacey Assistant Professor
Arbitrator Behaviour in Asymmetrical Adjudication (Part Two): An Examination of Hypotheses of Bias in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
Key Flaws in the European Commission’s Proposals for Foreign Investor Protection in TTIP, Gus Van Harten
Who Has Benefited Financially from Investment Treaty Arbitration? An Evaluation of the Size and Wealth of Claimants, Gus Van Harten
Investment Treaties and the Internal Vetting of Regulatory Proposals: A Case Study from Canada, Gus Van Harten and Dayna Nadine Scott
Submissions from 2015
Innocence at Stake: Possibility of DNA Collection from Arrestees in Canada, Washim Ahmed
Answering Canadian Tax Questions: An Introduction to Tax Law Research, Sas Ansari
Commodification and Juridification in Football: Reflections on the Study of Law and Society, S. B. Archer
Origins and Prospects for Employee Life and Health Trusts in Canada, S. B. Archer
Malingerer or Maligned: A Comparative Study of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Case Law, Odelia R. Bay
No Refuge: Hungarian Romani Refugee Claimants in Canada, Julianna Beaudoin, Jennifer Danch, and Sean Rehaag
Credit Counselling in Canada: An Empirical Examination, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Saul Schwartz
Sentencing and the Salience of Pain and Hope, Benjamin Berger
The Liabilities of Sureties, Daniel P. Cipollone
A Story of Marguerite: A Tale about Panis, Case Comment, and Social History, Signa A. Daum Shanks
How Atrocity Becomes Law: The Neoliberalisation of Security Governance and the Customary Laws of Armed Conflict, Tracey Leigh Dowdeswell
Regulating Water and War in Iraq: A Dangerous Dark Side of New Governance, Tracey Leigh Dowdeswell and Patricia Hania
Intimate Partner Criminal Harassment Through a Lens of Responsibilization, Isabel Grant
The ICSID Under Siege: UNASUR and the Rise of a Hybrid Regime for International Investment Arbitration, Kendall Grant
Common Law Property Theory and Jurisprudence in Canada, Sarah E. Hamill
Tax Transplants and Local Culture: A Comparative Study of the Chinese and Canadian GAAR, Jinyan Li
Tax Transplants and the Critical Role of Processes: A Case Study of China, Jinyan Li
A Platform for Discipline: Social Media Speech and the Workplace, David Mangan
Beyond the Five Stages of Grief: Best Practices for Estate Mediation and Advising the Bereaved Client, Louise M. Mimnagh
Probate Actions and 'Suspicious Circumstances': A Third Standard of Proof for Allegations Involving Moral Guilt, Louise M. Mimnagh
A History of Preferential Share in Ontario: Intestacy Legislation and Conceptions of the Deserving or Undeserving Widow, Louise M. Mimnagh and McNamara Pizzale
The Misguided Search for the Nature of Law, Dan Priel
Jurisprudence and (Its) History, Dan Priel and Charles L. Barzun
Legal Realism and Natural Law, Dan Priel and Charles L. Barzun
Unappealing: An Assessment of the Limits on Appeal Rights in Canada's New Refugee Determination System, Sean Rehaag and Angus Gavin Grant
Systemic Corruption in an Advanced Welfare State: Lessons from the Québec Charbonneau Inquiry, Denis Saint-Martin
Towards a Natural Law Foundationalist Theory of Universal Human Rights, Anthony Robert Sangiuliano
Situating Sarnia: 'Unimagined Communities' in the New National Energy Debate, Dayna Nadine Scott
Earwitness Evidence: The Reliability of Voice Identifications, Christopher Sherrin