Submissions from 2008
Modern Corporate Governance and the Erosion of the Business Judgment Rule in Delaware Corporate Law, William T. Allen
Banking on Trouble: Government Cultivation of Corruption and Crime—The Casino Industry, Margaret E. Beare
Crisis Management and Political Issues—Managing Hot Button Issues, Margaret E. Beare
Regulating Payday Lenders in Canada: Drawing on American Lessons, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
The Roles of Standardization, Certification and Assurance Services in Global Commerce, Margaret M. Blair, Cynthia A. Williams, and Li-Wen Lin
Reconceptualizing Law and Politics in the Transnational Constitutional and Legal Pluralist Approaches, Ruth Buchanan
Writing Resistance into International Law, Ruth Buchanan
International Institutions and Transnational Advocacy: The Case of the North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation, Ruth Buchanan and Rusby Mariela Chaparro
The Corporate Social Responsibility Movement as an Ethnographic Problem, John M. Conley and Cynthia A. Williams
Assessing the Long-Run Economic Impact of Labour Law Systems: A Theoretical Reappraisal and Analysis of New Time Series Data, Simon Deakin and Prabirjit Sarkar
Shadows and Light: Addressing Information Asymmetries Through Enhanced Social Disclosure in Canadian Securities Law, Aaron A. Dhir
A Tale of Two Maps: The Limits of Universalism in Comparative Judicial Review, Adam M. Dodek
Can Factory List Disclosure Improve Labor Practices in the Apparel Industry? A Case Study of Nike and Levi-Strauss, David J. Doorey
Institutional Transplant as Political Opportunity: The Practice and Politics of Indian Electricity Regulation, Navroz K. Dubash
Anxieties and Aspirations: A Schematic Note on the Toronto Group for the Study of International, Transnational and Comparative Law, Michael Fakhri
Public Justice, Private Dispute Resolution and Democracy, Trevor C. W. Farrow
From Democratic Peace to Democratic Distinctiveness: A Critique of Democratic Exceptionalism in Peace and Conflict Studies, Anna Geis and Wolfgang Wagner
The Province of Jurisprudence (Really) Redetermined, Allan Hutchinson
Indigenous Self-Determination and the State, Shin Imai
Book Review - Should it Have Been Called Republic.Com 1.5? : Reviewing Cass Sunstein's ' 2.0' (2007), Peter Jenkins
Persisting in the Face of Resistance: Feminist Legal Theory as Embodied Justice, Isabel Karpin and Roxanne Mykitiuk
The Rise and Fall of Chinese Tax Incentives and Implications for International Tax Debates, Jinyan Li
The Transformation of Chinese Enterprise Income Tax: Internationalization and Chinese Innovations, Jinyan Li and He Huang
The Lex Mercatoria as Autonomous Law, Peter Mazzacano
Judicial Treatment of Indigenous Land Rights in the Common Law World, Kent McNeil
Comparative Regulatory Regimes in Water Service Delivery: Emerging Contours of Global Water Welfarism?, Bronwen Morgan
"Le Féminisme" and Professionalism in Law: Reflections on the History of Women Lawyers, Mary Jane Mossman
Defining Fiscal Transparency: Transnational Norms, Domestic Laws and the Politics of Budget Accountability, Lisa Philipps and Miranda Stewart
Book Review: Justice in Robes by Ronald Dworkin (2006), Dan Priel
Financing Solutions to Climate Change: The Potential and Limits of Socially Responsible Investment and Its Regulation, Benjamin J. Richardson
Financing Solutions to Climate Change: The Potential and Limits of Socially Responsible Investment and its Regulation, Benjamin J. Richardson
Putting Theory into Practice: How Can We Apply Ecological Ethics to the Corporate World?, Benjamin J. Richardson
The Ties that Bind: Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Governance, Benjamin J. Richardson
Confronting Chronic Pollution: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Risk and Precaution, Dayna Nadine Scott
Process Before Product: A New Federal-Provincial Logic for a New Century, Irvin Studin
Revisiting the Democratic Deficit: The Urgent Case for Political Party Think Tanks, Irvin Studin
Individual Emergencies and the Rule of Criminal Law, François Tanguay-Renaud
Making Sense of 'Public' Emergencies, François Tanguay-Renaud
The Constitutional Right to Bargain Collectively: The Ironies of Labour History in the Supreme Court of Canada, Eric Tucker
Effectuating Public International Law Through Market Mechanisms?, Anne van Aaken
A Case for an International Investment Court, Gus Van Harten
Adjudication and Closed Proceedings, Gus Van Harten
Does a Perceived Structural Bias Undermine the Legitimacy of Arbitration?, Gus Van Harten
Secret Evidence, National Security, and the Courts, Gus Van Harten
Stock Market, Corporations and their Regulation: A Few Glimpses into Reality, P. M. Vasudev
Challenges to Jurisdiction and Non-Signatories in Arbitration, Janet Walker
Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions—Suggested Answers, Janet Walker
How Not to Incorporate Voluntary Standards into Smart Regulation: ISO 14001 and Ontario's Environmental Penalties Regulations, Stepan Wood and Lynn Johannson
Law after the Welfare State: Formalism, Functionalism and the Ironic Turn of Reflexive Law, Peer Zumbansen
New Governance' in European Corporate Law Regulation as Transnational Legal Pluralism, Peer Zumbansen
Transitional Justice in a Transnational World: The Ambiguous Role of Law, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Law, Peer Zumbansen
The BCE Decision: Reflections on the Firm as a Contractual Organization, Peer Zumbansen and S. B. Archer
Submissions from 2007
Compared to What?: The UCLA Comparative Labor Law Project and the Future of Comparative Labor Law, Harry W. Arthurs
The Labor Market Determinants of Corporate Governance Reform, Roger Barker and David Rueda
Delivering a Community Employment Law: A Tale of Two Mechanisms, Gavin Michael Barrett
Bankruptcy for the Poor?, Stephanie Ben-Ishai and Saul Schwartz
Book Review - Yochai Benkler, the Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, James Brink
Japan's Paradoxical Response to the New 'Global Standard' in Corporate Governance, John Buchanan and Simon Deakin
Transnational Consumer Law: Co-Regulation of B2C-E-Commerce, Gralf-Peter Calliess
Takeover Regulation: Through the Regulatory Looking Glass, Blanaid Clarke
Canada's Robertson Ruling: Any Practical Significance for Copyright Treatment of Freelance Authors?, Giuseppina D'Agostino
Healing Fair Dealing?: A Comparative Copyright Analysis of Canadian Fair Dealing to UK Fair Dealing and US Fair Use, Giuseppina D'Agostino
Reflexive Governance and European Company Law, Simon Deakin
The Negotiator as Professional: Understanding the Competing Interests of a Representative Negotiator, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Canadian National Report: Pre-Action Protocols, Colleen M. Hanycz
More Access to Less Justice: Efficiency, Proportionality and Costs in Canada Civil Justice Reform, Colleen M. Hanycz
More Access to Less Justice: Efficiency, Proportionality and Costs in Canadian Civil Justice Reform, Colleen M. Hanycz
Why Only the State May Inflict Criminal Sanctions, Alon Harel
Public Policy and Private Cupidity: Berle and Means Re-Visioned, Allan Hutchinson
What's Democracy Got to Do With It?: A Critique of Liberal Constitutionalism, Allan Hutchinson and Joel I. Colón-Ríos
Development and Tax Policy: Case Study of China, Jinyan Li
Fundamental Enterprise Income Tax Reform in China: Motivations and Major Changes, Jinyan Li
Reviving the Modern Rule in the Interpretation of Tax Statutes: Baby Steps Taken in Canada Trustco, Mathew, Placer Dome and Imperial Oil, Jinyan Li and David M. Piccolo
On the Road to Anglo-Saxon Capitalism?: German Corporate Governance Regulation between Market and Multilevel Governance, Susanne Lütz and Dagmar Eberle
Introduction: Regulating Markets and Social Europe: New Governance in the EU, Imelda Maher
The Jurisdiction of Inherent Right Aboriginal Governments, Kent McNeil
Adventitious Presence of Patented Genetically Modified Organisms: Is Intent Necessary for Actions in Infringement?, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Twailing the Bakassi Case: Colonial Logic, Self-Determination, and the Future of International Law, Obiora C. Okafor
Purity Lost: The Paradoxical Face of the New Transnational Legal Body, Oren Perez
Helping out in the Family Firm: The Legal Treatment of Unpaid Market Work, Lisa Philipps
Shareholder Primacy and Managerial Accountability, Antoine Reberioux
Moving from the Business Case to Ethical Case SRI: The Role of Fiduciary Duties, Benjamin J. Richardson
Protecting Indigenous Peoples through Responsible Finance, Benjamin J. Richardson
Protecting Indigenous Peoples through Socially Responsible Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson
Should Environmental Law Concern Itself with Ethical Investing?, Benjamin J. Richardson
Socially Responsible Investment as a Means of Promoting Corporate Environmental Responsibility, Benjamin J. Richardson
Party Autonomy in the Private International Law of Contracts: Transatlantic Convergence and Economic Efficiency, Giesela Ruhl
Mapping Comparative Judicial Review, Miguel Schor
New-ish Governance and the Legitimacy of the EU, Colin Scott
Regulating Private Legislation, Colin Scott
What are Aboriginal Rights?, Brian Slattery
Molecular Federalism and the Structures of Private Lawmaking, David V. Snyder
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How Much Work Can the Charter Do?, Eric M. Tucker
The Preclusive Effect of Judgments in Collective Actions: Implications for Jurisdiction and Appropriate Forum, Janet Walker