Submissions from 2015
The Environmental Emergency and the Legality of Discretion in Environmental Law, Jocelyn Stacey
Creating New Pathways to Justice Using Simple Artificial Intelligence and Online Dispute Resolution, Darin Thompson
Climate Change and Human Rights: How? Where? When?, Basil E. Ugochukwu
An ISDS Carve-Out to Support Action on Climate Change, Gus Van Harten
A Parade of Reforms: The European Commission's Latest Proposal for ISDS, Gus Van Harten
A Report on the Flawed Proposals for Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in TTIP and CETA, Gus Van Harten
Closing Presentation - The Rush to Expand the World’s Supreme Non-Court, Gus Van Harten
Foreign Investor Protection and Climate Action: A New Price Tag for Urgent Policies, Gus Van Harten
Notes on the German Economy and Energy Ministry's Proposal for Reformed Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), Gus Van Harten
The European Commission's Push to Consolidate and Expand ISDS: An Assessment of the Proposed Canada-Europe CETA and Europe-Singapore FTA, Gus Van Harten
Paradigm Flaw in the Boardroom: Governance versus Management, Edward J. Waitzer and Alfredo Enrione
Transnational Governance Interactions: A Critical Review of the Legal Literature, Stepan Wood
The Interactive Dynamics of Transnational Business Governance: A Challenge for Transnational Legal Theory, Stepan Wood, Kenneth W. Abbott, Julia Black, Burkard Eberlein, and Errol Meidinger
Submissions from 2014
Criminalization of Polygamy in Canada: Historical, Legal and Sociological Analysis, Washi Ahmed
Too Fat for Society? William Bogart and 'Regulating Obesity? Government, Society and Questions of Health', Sas Ansari
Waivers of Limitation Periods in the Income Tax Act: Judicial Interpretations and Approaches, Sas Ansari
Comments and Feedback on 'Growing Up: Ontario's Condominium Communities Enter a New Era' - Condominium Act Review: Stage Two Solutions Report, Sas Ansari and Sujoy Chatterjee
My "Very Idea" of Rod - and Yours, Harry Arthurs
The "Majestic Equality" of the Law: Why Constitutional Strategies Do Not Produce Equality, Harry Arthurs
From Theory and Research to Policy and Practice in Work and Employment – And Beyond?, Harry W. Arthurs
The 'Majestic Equality' of the Law: Why Constitutional Strategies Do Not Produce Equality, Harry W. Arthurs
No Lawyer for a Hundred Miles? Mapping the New Geography of Access of Justice in Canada, Jamie Baxter and Albert Yoon
Belonging to Law: Religious Difference, Secularism, and the Conditions of Civic Inclusion, Benjamin L. Berger
Constitutional Principles in Substantive Criminal Law, Benjamin L. Berger
Poetry, Mercy, and the Phenomenology of Justice, Benjamin L. Berger
Religious Diversity, Education, and the 'Crisis' in State Neutrality, Benjamin L. Berger
The Virtues of Law in the Politics of Religious Freedom, Benjamin L. Berger
International Human Rights in Canada: At the Juncture of Law and Politics, Faisal Bhabha
R v. NS: What's Fair in a Trial? The Supreme Court of Canada's Divided Decision on the Niqab in the Courtroom, Faisal Bhabha
Towards a Pedagogy of Diversity in Legal Education, Faisal Bhabha
Failure to Report: The Manifestly Unconstitutional Nature of the Human Smugglers Act, Jennifer Bond
Organizational Fields, Transnational Business Governance Interactions and the Diffusion of CSR, Melanie Coni-Zimmer
No Place Like Home: The Search for a Legal Framework for the Family Home in Canada and Britain, Heather Conway and Philip Girard
Feminist Aesthetics and Copyright Law: Genius, Value, and Gendered Visions of the Creative Self, Carys J. Craig
Technological Neutrality: (Pre)Serving the Purposes of Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig
Out of Tune: Why Copyright Law Needs Music Lessons, Carys J. Craig and Guillaume Laroche
The Ethical Obligations of Defence Counsel in Sexual Assault Cases, Elaine Craig
Access to Justice and Corporate Accountability: A Legal Case Study of HudBay in Guatemala, Valerie Crystal, Shin Imai, and Bernadette Maheandiran
Corporate Reporting under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Diversity Disclosure Rule: A Mixed-Methods Content Analysis, Aaron A. Dhir
Homogeneous Corporate Governance Cultures, Aaron A. Dhir
Norway's Socio-Legal Journey: A Qualitative Study of Boardroom Diversity Quotas, Aaron A. Dhir
Corrective Taxation, Leverage and Compensation in a Bloated Financial Sector, Timothy Edgar
What is Access to Justice?, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Understanding the Use of "Genetic Predisposition" in Canadian Legal Decisions, Lilith Finkler, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Jeff Nisker, and Mark Pioro
Touching Torture with a Ten Foot Pole, Craig Forcese
The Modernization of the Bills of Exchange Act: A Proposal, Benjamin Geva
The Monetary Legal Theory Under the Talmud, Benjamin Geva
The Payment Industry after the Task Force Report: Can Canada Learn from the Experience of Others?, Benjamin Geva
The Wireless Wire Do M-Payments and UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers Match, Raw?, Benjamin Geva
A Tempest in a Transatlantic Teapot: A Legal Historian's Critical Analysis of Frédéric Bastien's La Bataille De Londres, Philip Girard
Sexual Orientation as a Human Rights Issue in Canada 1969-1985, Philip Girard
The Protection of the Rights of Homosexuals Under the International Law of Human Rights: European Perspectives, Philip Girard
The Artificial Medium Laws Theory, Nachshon Goltz
Observers, Community and Legal Members on REBs: Examining the Ethics of the Regulators of Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans, Igor Gontcharov
Equally Recognized? The Indigenous Peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador, Sébastien Grammond
Canadian Bijuralism at a Crossroad? Impact of Section 8.1 of the Interpretation Act, Aline Grenon
Some ‘What if?’ Thoughts: Notes on Donoghue v. Stevenson, Allan Hutchinson
El Riesgo Financiero Y El Consentimiento Indígena (Financial Risk and Indigenous Consent), Shin Imai and Sally Kang
From Rawls to Habermas: Toward a Theory of Grounded Impartiality in Canadian Administrative Law, Laverne Jacobs
Justice as a Rounding Error? Evidence of Subconscious Bias in Second-Degree Murder Sentences in Canada, Craig Jones and Micah B. Rankin
Faithful Translations? Cross-Cultural Communications in Canadian Religious Freedom Litigation, Howard Kislowicz
Investigating Integrated Domestic Violence Courts: Lessons from New York, Jennifer Koshan
A Consideration Which Happens to Fail, Andrew Kull
Settling the Score: Copyright in Modern Editions of Public Domain Musical Works, Guillaume Laroche
Regulating Toxics: Sex and Gender in Canada's Chemicals Management Plan, Sarah Lewis and Dayna Nadine Scott
Data and Diversity in the Canadian Justice Community, Sabrina Lyon and Lorne Sossin
Who Writes? Gender and Judgment Assignment on the Supreme Court of Canada, Peter James McCormick
When Do Human Rights Treaties Help Asylum-Seekers? A Study of Theory and Practice in Canadian Jurisprudence Since 1990, Stephen Meili
The Comprador Complex: Africa's IPRs Elite, Neo-Colonialism and the Enduring Control of African IPRs Agenda by External Interests, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The Panopticon of International Law: B’Tselem's Camera Project and the Enforcement of International Law in a Transnational Society, Pini Pavel Miretski and Sascha-Dominik Oliver Vladimir Bachmann
Terminal Care, Terminal Justice: The Supreme Court of Canada and Sue Rodriguez, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Jeremy Paltiel
Real Versus Notional Income Splitting: What Canada Should Learn from the US 'Innocent Spouse' Problem, Lisa Philipps
Disclaimers of Contractual Liability and Voluntary Obligations, Michael G. Pratt
Tort Law for Cynics, Dan Priel
Losing Relevance: Quebec and the Constitutional Politics of Language, Emmanuelle Richez
Your Day in 'Wiki-Court': ADR, Fairness, and Justice in Wikipedia's Global Community, Sara Ross
Between the Scylla of Legal Formalism and the Charybdis of Policy Conceptualism: Yale's Policy Science and International Law, Hengameh Saberi
Why Does Executive Greed Prevail in the United States and Canada but Not in Japan? The Pattern of Low CEO Pay and High Worker Welfare in Japanese Corporations, Alberto R. Salazar and John Raggiunti
What is Environmental Justice?, Dayna Nadine Scott
Whither Wagner? Reconsidering Labor Law and Policy Reform, Sara Slinn
Charter Values and Administrative Justice, Lorne Sossin and Mark Friedman
Shall Wagnerism Have No Dominion?, Eric Tucker
Employment-Related Geographic Mobility in Canada and Collective Bargaining: A Report Prepared for the On the Move Partnership Research Team, Eric Tucker and Brendan Breckman Jowett
From Reaction to Agency: A 'Subaltern' Response to William Twining's Globalisation and Legal Scholarship, Basil E. Ugochukwu
Comments on the European Commission’s Approach to Investor-State Arbitration in TTIP and CETA, Gus Van Harten
Investment Treaty Arbitration and Corruption, Gus Van Harten
The Rise of Transnational Private Meta-Regulators, Paul Verbruggen and Tetty Havinga
Mistake in Assumptions, Stephen Michael Waddams
Fiduciary Society Unleashed: The Road Ahead for the Financial Sector, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro
The Social Reform of Banking, Cynthia A. Williams and John M. Conley
A Connection of Central Significance: Sufficient Occupancy and Aboriginal Title, John J. Wilson
The Rights We Share: From Rights to Reasons, and Back Again, John J. Wilson
The Incurable Constitutional Itch: Transnational Private Regulatory Governance and the Woes of Legitimacy, Peer C. Zumbansen
Submissions from 2013
The Future of Legal Education: Three Visions and a Prediction, Harry W. Arthurs