Submissions from 2013
Eloquent (In)Action: Enforcement and Prosecutorial Restraint in the Transnational Trade in Human Eggs as Deep Ambivalence About the Law, Susan G. Drummond
Fruitful Diversity: Revisiting the Enforceability of Gestational Carriage Contracts, Susan G. Drummond
Legality, Criminality and Agency Beyond the State: Forest Governance, Illegal Logging and Associated Trade, Lorraine Elliott
Ethical Lawyering in a Global Community, Trevor C. W. Farrow
The Good, the Right, and the Lawyer, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Regulating Childrens' Virtual Worlds to Prevent Harm to Imagination Development: Drawing Lessons from Marketing Regulation, Nachshon Goltz
Simulacra's Day in the U.S. Supreme Court: Brown Versus Entertainment Merchants Association and United States Versus Stevens, Nachshon Goltz and Aleksander Nikolic
Slow Violence, Law, and History, Doug Hay
Transnational Business Governance Interaction and Competition between Standard‐Setting Initiatives: Labor Standards in Garment, Toys and Agriculture, Nicole Helmerich and Christopher Kaan
Democracy and Revolution: An Enduring Relationship?, Allan Hutchinson and Joel I. Colón-Ríos
Indigenous Belonging: A Commentary on Membership and Identity in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, Shin Imai and Kate Buttery
El Sistema Judicial Canadiense Y La Empresa Minera Hudbay En Guatemala (The Canadian Justice System and Hudbay Minerals in Guatemala), Shin Imai, Bernadette Maheandiran, and Valerie Crystal
La Violación Del Derecho Indígena: Empresas Mineras Canadienses En Guatemala (Breaching Indigenous Law: Canadian Mining in Guatemala), Shin Imai, Ladan Mehranvar, and Jennifer Sander
Moving Backwards: Does the Lack of Duty to Consult Create the Right to Infringe Aboriginal and Treaty Rights?, Shin Imai and Ashley Stacey
Canadian Mining Companies and Domestic Law Reform: A Critical Legal Account, Charis Kamphuis
Learning Professionalism in Practice, Shelley M. Kierstead and Erika Abner
Public Procurement and Private Certification: The Case of the UK TPP, Alex M. Latu
GAAR in Action: An Empirical Exploration of Tax Court of Canada Cases (1997-2009) and Judicial Decision Making, Jinyan Li and Thaddeus Hwong
Public-Private Regime Interactions in Global Food Safety Governance, Ching-Fu Lin
Transnational Human Rights Litigation and Territorialized Knowledge: Kiobel and the ‘Politics of Space’, Philip Liste
The Equator Principles: Evaluating the Exposure of Commercial Lenders to Socio-Environmental Risk, Andrian Lozinski
National Class Actions in Canada: Yet Another Call for Clarity and Coordination, Joseph Marcus
The Treatment of CISG Article 79 in German Courts: Halting the Homeward Trend, Peter Mazzacano
Aboriginal Title in Canada: Site-Specific or Territorial?, Kent McNeil
Constitutional Cases 2011: An Overview, Patrick J. Monahan and Chanakya Sethi
Is the SEC a Learning Regulator? Lessons from Proxy Access, Aviv Pichhadze
Jurisprudential Disagreements and Descriptivism, Dan Priel
Lon Fuller's Political Jurisprudence of Freedom, Dan Priel
Private Law: Commutative or Distributive?, Dan Priel
Reconstructing Fuller's Argument Against Legal Positivism, Dan Priel
The Law and Politics of Unjust Enrichment, Dan Priel
The Political Origins of English Private Law, Dan Priel
Two Models of General Jurisprudence, Dan Priel
The Supreme Court's Securities Act Reference Fails to Demonstrate an Understanding of the Canadian Capital Markets, Poonam Puri
Defragmenting International Investment Law to Protect Citizen-Consumers: The Role of Amici Curiae and Public Interest Groups, Alberto Salazar
Breaking the Bargain: A Comment on the Constitutional Validity of Bill C-7, the Proposed Senate Reform Act, Douglas Sarro
Do Lenders Make Effective Regulators? An Assessment of the Equator Principles on Project Finance, Douglas Sarro
Rational Choices, But for Whom? Transnational Financial Regulation after the Crisis, Douglas Sarro
The Networked Infrastructure of Fossil Capitalism: Implications of the New Pipeline Debates for Environmental Justice in Canada, Dayna Nadine Scott
Administrative Justice in an Interconnected World, Lorne Sossin
Experience the Future of Legal Education, Lorne Sossin
Can Worker Voice Strike Back? Law and the Decline and Uncertain Future of Strikes, Eric Tucker
Ballot or Bullet: Protecting the Right to Vote in Nigeria, Basil E. Ugochukwu
Unpacking the Universal: African Human Rights Philosophy in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, Basil E. Ugochukwu
Moderated Discussion on Canada’s Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements and ICSID Ratification, Gus Van Harten
Best Mode Disclosure in Canadian Patents, David Vaver
The Public Fiduciary: Emerging Themes in Canadian Fiduciary Law for Pension Trustees, Edward J. Waitzer and Douglas Sarro
10 Years ‘Equator Principles’: A Critical Economic-Ethical Analysis, Manuel Wörsdörfer
Theorising Global Governance Inside Out: A Response to Professor Ladeur, Sujith Xavier
Knowledge in Development, Law and Regulation, or How are We to Distinguish between the Economic and the Non-Economic?, Peer Zumbansen
Sociological Jurisprudence 2.0: Updating Law's Interdisciplinarity in a Global Context, Peer Zumbansen
The Politics of Relevance: Law, Translation and Alternative Knowledges, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Legal Discourse: Reflections on My Time with the German Law Journal, Peer Zumbansen
Transnational Private Regulatory Governance: Ambiguities of Public Authority and Private Power, Peer Zumbansen
What Lies Before, Behind and Beneath a Case? Five Minutes on Transnational Lawyering and the Consequences for Legal Education, Peer Zumbansen
Approximating Law and Development, Human Rights and Transitional Justice, Peer Zumbansen and Ruth Buchanan
Submissions from 2012
Text Work as Identity Work for Legal Writers, Erika Abner and Shelley M. Kierstead
Labour Law as the Law of Economic Subordination and Resistance: A Counterfactual?, Harry W. Arthurs
Making Bricks Without Straw: The Creation of a Transnational Labour Regime, Harry W. Arthurs
The Tree of Knowledge/The Axe of Power: Gerald Le Dain and the Transformation of Canadian Legal Education, Harry W. Arthurs
Emerging Private Governance: The Challenges of Choosing a Policy Focus, Graeme Auld
Unbundling the Regime Complex: The Effects of Private Authority, Graeme Auld and Jessica F. Green
Political Community of Fate or Postnational State? Tensions and Transformation in Contemporary German Citizenship, Kiran Banerjee
Debt or Equity? A Puzzle for Canadian Bankruptcy Law, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Polygamy and the Predicament of Contemporary Criminal Law, Benjamin L. Berger
The Aesthetics of Religious Freedom, Benjamin L. Berger
The Architecture of Transnational Private Regulation, Fabrizio Cafaggi
Privatizing the Economic Constitution- Can the World Market Reproduce its Own Institutional Prerequisites?, Gralf-Peter Calliess, Jens Mertens, and Moritz Renner
Transnational Copyright: Misalignments between Regulation, Business Models and User Practice, Leonhard Dobusch and Sigrid Quack
Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Conceptualization and Framework for Analysis, Burkard Eberlein, Kenneth W. Abbott, Julia Black, and Errol Meidinger
And No More Shall We Shout: Noise By-Laws, Freedom of Expression and a Montréal Sex Club, Richard Haigh
Whistleblowing and Freedom of Conscience: Towards a New Legal Analysis, Richard Haigh and Peter Bowal
Transnational Business Governance and the Management of Natural Resources, Virginia Haufler
The Structure of the Indian Act: Accountability in Governance, Shin Imai
Accountability Across Borders: Mining in Guatemala and the Canadian Justice System, Shin Imai, Bernadette Maheandiran, and Valerie Crystal
Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Child Protection, Shelley M. Kierstead
Text Work as Identity Work for Legal Writers: How Writing Texts Contribute to the Construction of a Professional Identity, Shelley M. Kierstead and Erika Abner
Community, Enforcement and Justification: The International Law of Intervention in World-Societal Perspective, Stefan Kroll
Beneficial Ownership in Tax Treaties: Judicial Interpretation and the Case for Clarity, Jinyan Li
Oppression, Suppression, and Injustice: A Critical Evaluation of the Grievance Procedure in the Federal Public Service, Grant LoPatriello
Assembling an Experimentalist Regime: Transnational Governance Interactions in the Forest Sector, Christine Overdevest and Jonathan Zeitlin
The Globalization of Tax Expenditure Reporting: Transplanting Transparency in India and the Global South, Lisa Philipps
Transnational Business Governance Interactions and Technical Systems in Global Finance, Tony Porter
Judicial Review of Refugee Determinations: The Luck of the Draw?, Sean Rehaag
Law's Slow Violence: A Review of Rob Nixon's "Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor" (HUP, 2010), Dayna Nadine Scott
Administrative Justice and Adjudicative Ethics in Canada, Lorne Sossin
Ontario’s Administrative Tribunal Clusters: A Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty for Administrative Justice?, Lorne Sossin and Jamie Baxter
Indeterminacy and Balance: A Path to a Wholesome Corporate Law, Fenner L. Stewart Jr.
Basic Challenges for Governance in Emergencies, François Tanguay-Renaud
Criminalizing the State, François Tanguay-Renaud
Victor's Justice: The Next Best Moral Theory of Criminal Punishment?, François Tanguay-Renaud
Labour's Many Constitutions (and Capital's Too), Eric Tucker
Old Lessons for New Governance: Safety or Profit and the New Conventional Wisdom, Eric Tucker
Arbitrator Behaviour in Asymmetrical Adjudication: An Empirical Study of Investment Treaty Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
First Nations and the Canada-China FIPA, Gus Van Harten