Submissions from 2025
The AI-Copyright Trap, Carys Craig
An International Law of the Emotions, Emily Kidd White
Trauma-Informed Judicial Practice Meets Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Compassionate Written Judgments in Child Protection Cases, Shelley Kierstead
Labour Against the Law? Contesting the Restrictive Norms of Industrial Legality through Unlawful Strikes, Eric Tucker
Submissions from 2024
The Constitution and Charter in 2022: The Court, the Chief Justice, and Justice Brown, Jamie Cameron
Corporations as International Economic Law Actors, Barnali Choudhury
Enforcing International Human Rights Law Against Corporations, Barnali Choudhury
“Lifting the Private-Law Veil”: Employer Authority and the “Contractual-Coating” of Worker Subordination, Valerio De Stefano and Nicola Countouris
Aboriginal Title, Private Property Interests, and Statutes of Limitation, Kent McNeil
Unjust Enrichment in Law and Equity, Jennifer Nadler
Labour, Labour Law and Capitalist Rent-Seeking: Rentier Capitalism and Labour in Historical Perspective, Eric Tucker
Submissions from 2023
An Imperial History of Race-Religion in International Law, Rabiat Akande
Islamic Law and Colonialism, Rabiat Akande and Halimat Adeniran
Political Theory and the Volunteer: Lessons from Kahn’s Ethnography of ‘Our Unhappy Politics’, Benjamin Berger
Renewing Freedom of Expression, Part Two: From the Contextual Approach to Proportionality Balancing, Jamie Cameron
Lloyd and the Legislative Void: Representative Actions in Transatlantic Context, Suzanne E. Chiodo
Tawdry or Honourable? Additional Payments to Representative Plaintiffs in Ontario and Beyond, Suzanne E. Chiodo
Stuck in Neutral? Reforming Corporate Purpose and Fiduciary Duties, Barnali Choudhury and Martin Petrin
Gripe Sites & Trademark User Rights: Lessons from Canada’s Cooperstock Case, Carys Craig
Against Integrity: A Feminist Theory of Moral Rights, Creative Agency & Attribution, Carys Craig and Anupriya Dhonchak
LegalBench: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal Reasoning in Large Language Models, Neel Guha, Julian Nyarko, Daniel E. Ho, Christopher Ré, Adam Chilton, Aditya Narayana, Alex Chohlas-Wood, Austin Peters, Brandon Waldon, Daniel Rockmore, Diego A. Zambrano, Dmitry Talisman, Enam Hoque, Faiz Surani, Frank Fagan, Galit Sarfaty, Gregory M. Dickinson, Haggai Porat, Jason Hegland, Jessica Wu, Joe Nudell, Joel Niklaus, John Nay, Jonathan H. Choi, Kevin Tobia, Margaret Hagan, Megan Ma, Michael A. Livermore, Nikon Rasumov-Rahe, Nils Holzenberger, Noam Kolt, Peter Henderson, Sean Rehaag, Sharad Goel, Shang Gao, Spencer Williams, Sunny Gandhi, Tom Zur, Varun Iyer, and Zehua Li
Bibliography on Indigenous Rights in Canada, 1995-2023, Leslie Haddock and Kent McNeil
Fiscal Contract and the Canada Disability Benefit: Lessons from Income Tax Law, Jinyan Li
The Future of the Corporate Form in Income Tax: A Case Study of Canada, Jinyan Li
Do Automated Legal Threats Reduce Freedom of Expression Online? Results from a Natural Experiment, J. Nathan Matias, Merry Ember Mou, Jonathon W. Penney, Maximilian Klein, and Lucas Wright
Canadian “Dreamers”: Access to Postsecondary Education, Elise Mercier, Sean Rehaag, and Francisco Rico-Martinez
Impossibility and Frustration, Jennifer Nadler
Luck of the Draw III: Using AI to Examine Decision‐Making in Federal Court Stays of Removal, Sean Rehaag
Transgender Erasure: Barriers facing transgender refugees in Canada, Sean Rehaag and Alexandra Verman
Workers’ Boards: Sectoral Bargaining and Standard-Setting Mechanisms for the New Gilded Age, Sara Slinn
Regulating Health and Safety in Capitalist Workplaces: History, Practices and Prospects, Eric Tucker
“The Biggest Problem With You…”: Racial Profiling and Canada’s Program of Extra-Territorial Migrant Interdiction, Simon Wallace, Benjamin Perryman, Gábor Lukács, and Sean Rehaag
Submissions from 2022
Essential jobs, remote work and digital surveillance: Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic panopticon, Antonio Aloisi and Valerio De Stefano
The text and the ballot box: s.3, s.33 and the right to cast an informed vote, Jamie Cameron
Indigenous Peoples in Canada: A Bibliography of Legal and Other Works to 1994, Kristen Clark, Leslie Haddock, and Kent McNeil
The AI-Copyright Challenge: Tech-Neutrality, Authorship, and the Public Interest, Carys Craig
The Negotiable Transport Document, Benjamin Geva
Emotions and Precedent, Emily Kidd White
Notes toward a supreme (legal) fiction, Emily Kidd White
Religion, Public Law, and the Refuge of Formalism, Howard Kislowicz and Benjamin Berger
The Global Tax Agreement: Some Truths and Legal Realities, Jinyan Li
Procedural Injustice: Indigenous Claims, Limitation Periods, and Laches, Kent McNeil and Thomas Enns
The Myth of Legal Realist Skepticism, Dan Priel
Bargaining Sectoral Standards: Towards Canadian Fair Pay Agreement Legislation, Sara Slinn and Mark Rowlinson
The Legal Relations of ‘Private’ Forests: Making and unmaking private forest lands on Vancouver Island, Estair Van Wagner
Submissions from 2021
Debating Diya: Indirect Rule and the Transformation of Islamic Law in British Colonial Northern Nigeria, Rabiat Akande
Neutralizing Secularism: “Religious Antiliberalism” and the Twentieth Century Global Ecumenical Project, Rabiat Akande
AI and Copyright, Carys Craig
Tax Reform: A Missing Piece in Canada's National Housing Policy, Jinyan Li
Welcome Home: Aboriginal Rights Law after Desautel, Kent McNeil and Kerry Wilkins
The Grounds of Human Rights, Brian Slattery
Submissions from 2020
Individualized Proportionality and the Experience of Punishment: An Emergent Paradigm for Canadian Sentencing?, Benjamin Berger
Meanwhile, in Canada… A Surprisingly Sensible Copyright Review, Carys Craig
Broader-based and Sectoral Bargaining Proposals in Collective Bargaining Law Reform: A Historical Review, Sara Slinn
Submissions from 2019
The Rule of Law in International Tax Relations, Jinyan Li
Indigenous and Crown Sovereignty in Canada, Kent McNeil
Phase 2 de l’examen du mécanisme RDIE de la CNUDCI: Pourquoi «les autres questions» ont une véritable importance, Gus Van Harten, Jane Kelsey, and David Schneiderman
Phase 2 of the UNCITRAL ISDS Review: Why ‘Other Matters’ Really Matter, Gus Van Harten, Jane Kelsey, and David Schneiderman
Submissions from 2018
Stewart v. Elk Valley: The Case of the Cocaine-Using Coal Miner, Faisal Bhabha
Banking in the Digital Age - Who Is Afraid of Payment Disintermediation?, Benjamin Geva
Comments on Judicial Independence and Impartiality in ISDS: A Paper Prepared for the UNCITRAL Working Group III, Gus Van Harten and Pavla Křístková
Submissions from 2017
Technological Neutrality: Recalibrating Copyright in the Information Age, Carys J. Craig
Access to Justice and Development: Canada, Trevor C. W. Farrow
National Access to Justice Status Report, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Truth in Numbers: Current Realities and Emerging Trends for Self-Represented Litigants, Trevor C. W. Farrow
The ‘Atlantic Seat’ on the Supreme Court of Canada: An Endangered Species?, Philip Girard
Historic Treaties and the Indian Act, Shin Imai
Human Rights and Development, Shin Imai
International Voluntary Standards in Corporate Compliance, Shin Imai
Social Enterprise, Law and Legal Education, Devon Kapoor and Lorne Sossin
Leaving Labour Law's Pragmatic and Purposive Fortress Behind: Canadian Union Successor Rights Law as a Case Study, Pascal McDougall
Indigenous Law and Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil
Indigenous Sovereignty and the Legality of Crown Sovereignty: An Unresolved Constitutional Conundrum, Kent McNeil
The Inherent Right of Indigenous Governance, Kent McNeil
Law and Digestion: A Brief History of an Unpalatable Idea, Dan Priel
The Return of Legal Realism, Dan Priel
Undercompensating for Discrimination: An Empirical Study of General Damages Awards Issued by the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, 2000-2015, Audra Ranalli and Bruce Ryder
The Rule of Law, Legal Pluralism, and Challenges to a Western-centric View: Some Very Preliminary Observations, Peer Zumbansen
Submissions from 2016
The Conventions of Constitutional Amendment in Canada, Richard Albert
Bordering the Constitution, Constituting the Border, Efrat Arbel
Mining the Philosophers’ Stone: Sixteen Tons and What Do You Get? Another Day Older and Deeper in Doubt, Harry W. Arthurs
Corruption at the Intersection of Business and Government: The OECD Convention, Supply-Side Corruption and Canada's Anti-Corruption Efforts to Date, Milos Barutciski and Sabrina A. Bandali
Reassessing the Quality of Government in China, Margaret Boittin, Greg Distelhorst, and Francis Fukuyama
Collateral Thoughts on Dialogue's Legacy as Metaphor and Theory: A Favourite from Canada, Jamie Cameron
Law, Politics, and Legacy Building at the McLachlin Court in 2014, Jamie Cameron
Legality, Legitimacy and Constitutional Amendment in Canada, Jamie Cameron
Contested Citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Elena Cirkovic
Process and Reconciliation: Integrating the Duty to Consult with Environmental Assessment, Alastair Neil Craik
Taxing State-Owned Enterprises: Understanding a Basic Institution of State Capitalism, Wei Cui
Just Notice Reform: Enhanced Statutory Termination Provisions for the 99%, Bruce J. Curran and Sara Slinn
A Law of Just Transitions?: Putting Labor Law to Work on Climate Change, David J. Doorey
Cosmopolitanism, Custom and Complexity: Kant's Cosmopolitan Norms in Action, Tracey Leigh Dowdeswell
Risk-Based Overrides of Share Ownership as Specific Anti-Avoidance Rules, Timothy Edgar
Islamic Law and Constitution-Making: The Authoritarian Temptation and the Arab Spring, Mohammad Fadel
Accessible Justice: Cost and Research Issues, Trevor C. W. Farrow