Submissions from 2004
European Corporate Law and National Divergences: The Case of Takeover Regulation, Peer Zumbansen
Globalization and the Law: Deciphering the Message of Transnational Human Rights Litigation, Peer Zumbansen
Submissions from 2003
Governing the Canadian State: The Constitution in an Era of Globalization, Neo-Liberalism, Populism, Decentralization and Judicial Activism, Harry W. Arthurs
Purposeful Misconceptions: Organized Crime and the State, Margaret E. Beare
Book Review: Sexually Transmitted Debt Surety Experience and English Law, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Using the Charter to Cure Health Care: Panacea or Placebo?, Benjamin Berger
Tracking ‘Terrorists’ or Solidifying Stereotypes? Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Act in Light of the Charter’s Equality Guarantee, Faisal Bhabha
Legal Imperialism: Empire's Invisible Hand?, Ruth Buchanan and Sundhya Pahuja
Of Scandals, Sources, and Secrets: Investigative Reporting, Jamie Cameron
Positive Obligations Under Sections 15 and 7 of the Charter: A Comment on Gosselin V. Quebec, Jamie Cameron
Positive Obligations Under Sections 15 and 7 of the Charter: A Comment On Gosselin V. Québec, Jamie Cameron
The van Ert Methodology of Domestic Reception, Jamie Cameron
Liability of Information Professionals, John N. Davis
Deference with a Difference: Of Rights, Regulation and the Judicial Role in the Administrative State, John M. Evans
Citizen Participation and Peaceful Protest: Let’s Not Forget APEC, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Globalization and Legal Education, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Globalization, International Human Rights, and Civil Procedure, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Law & Politics after September 11th: Civil Rights & the Rule of Law, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Negotiation, Mediation, Globalization Protests & Police: Right Processes; Wrong System, Parties, Issues & Time, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Reviewing Globalization: Three Competing Stories, Two Emerging Themes, and How Law Schools Can and Must Participate, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Thinking About Dispute Resolution, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Globalization & the Law: An Introduction, Trevor C. W. Farrow and Sheilah L. Martin
Civil Disobedience, Civil Liberties, and Civil Resistance: Law's Role and Limits, Judy Fudge and Harry J. Glasbeek
Désobéissance Civile, Libertés Civiques, et Résistance Civile: Rôle et Limites Du Droit, Judy Fudge and Harry J. Glasbeek
Changing Boundaries of Employment: Developing a New Platform for Labour Law, Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker, and Leah Vosko
Employee or Independent Contractor?: Charting the Legal Significance of the Distinction in Canada, Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker, and Leah Vosko
Book Review: Child Custody, Law, and Women’s Work, Shelley A. M. Gavigan
Consumer Liability in Unauthorized Electronic Funds Transfers, Benjamin Geva
Interbank Settlement in Wire Transfers – Legal Aspects, Benjamin Geva
Recent UCC Article 4A Jurisprudence: Critical Analysis, Benjamin Geva
Settlement Finality and Associated Risks in Funds Transfers – When Does Interbank Payment Occur?, Benjamin Geva
Regulation of Free-Standing Health Facilities: An Entrée for Privatization and For-Profit Delivery in Health Care, Joan M. Gilmour
Women's Poverty, Women's Health: The Role of Access to Justice, Joan M. Gilmour and D. Martin
Book Review: The Ethics of Deference, Leslie Green
Civil Disobedience and Academic Freedom, Leslie Green
Legal Positivism, Leslie Green
Strategy and Fundamental Legal Rules, Leslie Green
The Canadian Outside Director: Great Expectations, Warren Grover
Between Here and There is Better than Anything Over There: The Morass of Sauvé v. Canada (Chief Electoral Officer), Richard Haigh
Some Thoughts on the Supreme Court’s Assessment of the Constitutionality of DNA Warrants, Richard Haigh
Between Here and There is Better Than Anything Over There: The Morass of Sauvé V. Canada (Chief Electoral Officer), Richard Haigh and
Terms of Convenience: Examining Constitutional Overrulings by the High Court, Richard Haigh and Gian Boeddu
Tradition, Judges, and Civil Liberties in Canada, Douglas Hay
Equality As a Charter Value in Constitutional Interpretation, Peter W. Hogg
Heydon' Seek: Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places, Allan C. Hutchinson
Making Progress?: Change and the Common Law, Allan C. Hutchinson
Creating Disincentives to Negotiate: Mitchell v. M.N.R.'S Potential Effect on Dispute Resolution, Shin Imai
Harsh, Perhaps Even Misguided: Developments in Law, 2002, Sonia Lawrence
Harsh, perhaps misguided: Developments in Law 2002, Sonia Lawrence
China: 2002 in Review, Jinyan Li
Consumption Taxation of Electronic Commerce: Problems, Policy Implications, and Proposals for Reform, Jinyan Li
Reform Proposal: Uniform Source Withholding Tax and Global Profit Split, Jinyan Li
One Country, Two Tax Systems: International Taxation in Hong Kong and Mainland China, Jinyan Li and Denise Elliot
Illegal Wars and International Criminal Law, Michael Mandel
The Legal Institutions of the New World Order: 'Might Makes Right' and the International Cirminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Michael Mandel
Caveat Emptor: The Position at Common Law, John D. McCamus
Disgorgement for Breach of Contract: A Comparative Perspective, John D. McCamus
The Common Law: Where is it Written Down?, John D. McCamus
The Policy Inquiry: An Endangered Species?, John D. McCamus
Aboriginal Title on the Ground: Establishing and Protecting Occupation of Land, Kent McNeil
Challenging Legislative Infringements of the Inherent Aboriginal Right of Self-Government, Kent McNeil
Culturally Modified Trees, Indian Reserves and the Crown's Fiduciary Obligations, Kent McNeil
Reconciliation and the Supreme Court: The Opposing Views of Chief Justices Lamer and McLachlin, Kent McNeil
Beyond Rhetoric: State Sovereignty, Common Concern, and the Inapplicability of the Common Heritage Concept to Plant Genetic Resources, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Book Review: Who Owns Academic Work? Battling for Control of Intellectual Property, Ikechi Mgbeoji
The Juridical Origins of the International Patent System: Towards a Historiography of the Role of Patents in Industrialization, Ikechi Mgbeoji
Patent First, Litigate Later! The Scramble for Speculative and Overly Broad Genetic Patents: Implications for Access to Health Care and Biomedical Research, Ikechi Mgbeoji and Byron Allen
Constitutional Cases 2002: An Overview, Patrick Monahan and Nadine Blum
Constitutional Cases 2002: An Overview, Patrick J. Monahan and Nadine Blum
Book Review: Saving Bernice: Battered Women, Welfare and Poverty, Janet E. Mosher
Book Review: Child Custody, Law and Women’s Work, Mary Jane Mossman
Conversations about Families in Canadian Courts and Legislatures: Are there "Lessons" for the United States?, Mary Jane Mossman
Legal Education as a Strategy for Change in the Legal Profession, Mary Jane Mossman
Convention Refugeehood, Early Warning Signs, and the Structural Crisis of Legitimate Statehood in Contemporary Nigeria, Obiora Chinedu Okafor
Humanizing Our Global Order: An Introduction, Obiora Chinedu Okafor
Introduction, Obiora Chinedu Okafor
Re-Configuring Non-Refoulement? The Suresh Decision, 'Security Relativism', and the International Human Rights Imperative, Obiora Chinedu Okafor and Pius Lekwuwa Okoronkwo
Counting On the Court: The Preservation of Fundamental Freedoms and Liberties in the Era of the Security Revolution, Richard C. C. Peck Q.C. and Nikos Harris
There's Only One Worker: Toward the Legal Integration of Paid Employment and Unpaid Caregiving, Lisa Philipps
Thinking Critically About the Taxation of Capital Gains on Donated Public Securities (or Looking Paragraph 38(A.1) in the Mouth, Lisa Philipps
Proportionate Liability Under the CBCA in the Context of Recent Corporate Governance Reform: Canadian Auditors in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time?, Poonam Puri and Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Book Review: Climate Change and Power. Economic Instruments for European Electricity, Benjamin J. Richardson
Book Review: Indigenous Peoples and Governance Structures: A Comparative Analysis of Land and Resource Management Rights, by Garth Nettheim, Gary D. Meyers and Donna Craig, Benjamin J. Richardson
Book Review: The Economic Dynamics of Environmental Law, Benjamin J. Richardson
Diffusing Environmental Regulation through the Financial Services Sector: Reforms in the EU and Other Jurisdictions, Benjamin J. Richardson
Ethical Finance in Britain: A Neglected Prerequisite for Sustainability, Benjamin J. Richardson
Horizontal Instruments, Benjamin J. Richardson
Taxing and Trading in Corporate Energy Activities: Pioneering UK Reforms to Address Climate Change, Benjamin J. Richardson and Kiri L. Chanwai
The UK's Climate Change Levy: Is It Working?, Benjamin J. Richardson and Kiri L. Chanwai
The Harms of Child Pornography Law, Bruce Ryder
Our Mongrel Selves: Pluralism, Identity and the Nation, Brian Slattery
Book Review: Peter Hogg & Patrick Monahan’s, Liability of the Crown, 3rd edition, Lorne Sossin
Developments in Administrative Law: the 2002-2003 Term, Lorne Sossin
Empty Ritual, Mechanical Exercise or the Discipline of Deference?: Revisiting the Standard of Review in Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin
Public Fiduciary Obligations, Political Trusts and the Evolving Duty of Reasonableness in Administrative Law, Lorne Sossin
The ‘Supremacy of God’, Human Dignity and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Lorne Sossin
Hard Choices and Soft Law: Ethical Codes, Policy Guidelines and the Role of the Courts in Regulating Government, Lorne Sossin and Charles Smith