Submissions from 1973
Clinical Legal Education: Challenging the Ghost of Langdell, Mary Jane Mossman
The Future of Legal Services in Canada, Larry Taman and Frederick H. Zemans
Fundamental Guarantees of Litigants in Civil Procedure in Canada, Garry D. Watson
The Supreme Court of Canada and Canadian Federalism, Paul C. Weiler
Submissions from 1972
The Professions and Competition Policy, Harry W. Arthurs
Towards a Humane Professionalism: Lawyering and the Convivial Society, Harry W. Arthurs
Proof of Foreign Law, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Book Review: Les Législations de Droit International Privé - Statutory Private International Law, edited by T. M. C. Asser, J.-G. Castel
Attribution of Income, Maurice C. Cullity
Trusts Inter Vivos -- Duty to Convert Under-Productive Property -- The Even-Hand Rule, Maurice C. Cullity
The Judicial Treatment of Disclaimer Clauses in Sale of Goods Transactions in Canada, Peter A. Cumming
Wills -- Bequest to Wife and Children -- De Facto Wife and Illegitimate Children, P. W. Hogg
Rescuers and Good Samaritans, Allen M. Linden
Automobile Insurance - Canadian Style, A. M. Linden
The Presumption of Innocence and the Canadian Bill of Rights: Regina v. Appleby, Michael Mandel
The Ontario Board of Review: An examination of Some Decisions, Mary Jane Mossman
The Arbitrator, the Collective Agreement and the Law, Paul C. Weiler
Submissions from 1971
Authority, Accountability, and Democracy in the Government of the Ontario Legal Profession, Harry W. Arthurs
The Ormrod Report: A Canadian Reaction, Harry W. Arthurs
The Toronto Legal Profession: An Exploratory Survey, Harry W. Arthurs, L. Taman, and J. Willms
Banking in Canada, Daniel Jay Baum
Near-Banks: Trust Companies of Canada, Daniel Jay Baum
Profit Sharing and Pension Plans in Canada: Profile in Action: A Melding of Interests, Daniel Jay Baum
The Saga of Peso Silver Mines: Corporate Opportunity Reconsidered, Stanley M. Beck
Exemption from the Jurisdiction of Canadian Courts, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Personam and in Rem in the Common Law Provinces of Canada, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Views from Canada, Jean-Gabriel Castel and P.-A. Crépeau
Conflict of Laws -- Torts -- Time for a Change, J.-G. Castel
Jurisdiction and the Exercise of Discretion by the Court -- Forum Conveniens, J.-G. Castel
Book Review: The Modern Law of Trusts, Second Edition, by David B. Parker and Anthony R. Mellows, Maurice C. Cullity
Book Review: Administrative Law and Practice, by Robert F. Reid, P. W. Hogg
The Jurisdictional Fact Doctrine in the Supreme Court of Canada: Bell v. Ontario Human Rights Commission, P. W. Hogg
Book Review: Accidents, Compensation and the Law, by Patrick S. Atiyah, Allen M. Linden
Torts -- Seat Belts and Contributory Negligence, Allen M. Linden
The Slippery Slope of Judicial Intervention: The Supreme Court and Canadian Labour Relations 1950-1970, Paul C. Weiler
The Supreme Court of Canada and the Doctrines of Mens Rea, Paul C. Weiler
Submissions from 1970
Hate Propaganda -- An Argument Against Attempts to Stop It by Legislation, Harry W. Arthurs
Regulation-Making: The Creative Opportunities of the Inevitable, Harry W. Arthurs
The Study of the Legal Profession in the Law School, H. W. Arthurs
Controversial Broadcasting in Canada, Daniel J. Baum
Introduction: [Canadian Television Broadcasting], Daniel J. Baum
Catalyst for Change: Mutual Funds in Canada, Daniel Jay Baum
Profit Sharing and Pension Plans in Canada: A Legal Profile, Daniel Jay Baum
The Investigation of Offences and Police Powers, Stanley M. Beck
Assumed Jurisdiction of Canadian Common Law Courts, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Procedure and the Conflict of Laws, Jean-Gabriel Castel
Husband and Wife -- Agreement in Contemplation of Marriage -- Constitution and Terms of an Express Trust, Maurice C. Cullity
Introduction: [Conference on the Teaching of Urban Legal Studies], Jeffrey Jowell
Landlord and Tenant Relations -- Rent-Withholding in Ontario: A Case-Study and Suggestions for Legislation, Jeffrey Jowell
Torts -- Nonfeasance -- Rescue and Foreseeability, Allen M. Linden
Report on the Proposed Fraser-Columbia Water Transfer: Some Economic and Legal Implications for the Upstream Riparians, I. A. McDougall
The Scope of Interdisciplinary Collaboration, J. W. Mohr
Book Review: Crime, Law and the Scholars: A History of Scholarship in American Criminal Law, by Gerhard O. W. Mueller, Graham Parker
Book Review: Juvenile Offenders for a Thousand Years; Selected Readings from Anglo-Saxon Times to 1900, edited by Wiley B. Sanders, Graham Parker
Book Review: The Social Organization of Juvenile Justice, by Aaron V. Cicourel, Graham Parker
Criminal Law -- Police Practices -- The Relevance of Entrapment as a Defence -- Public Duty as Negativing Mens Rea, Graham Parker
Floccinaucinihilipilification or an Evaluation of Legal Education, Graham Parker
Juvenile Delinquency -- Transfer of Juvenile Cases to Adult Courts -- Factors to be Considered under the Juvenile Delinquents Act, Graham Parker
The Appellate Court View of the Juvenile Court, Graham Parker
The Queen v. Drybones: The Supreme Court of Canada and the Canadian Bill of Rights, J. Grant Sinclair
Comment, Assisting the Jury in Assessing General Damages -- Gray v. Alanco Developments Revisited, Garry D. Watson
Annual Survey of Canadian Law: Part 1, Civil Procedure, Garry D. Watson and John M. Barber
Book Review: The Logic of Choice, by G. Gottlieb Galt; Consequences of Utilitarianism, by D. H. Hodgson, Paul C. Weiler
Legal Values and Judicial Decision-Making, Paul C. Weiler
Submissions from 1969
Collective Bargaining in the Public Service of Canada: Bold Experiment or Act of Folly?, Harry W. Arthurs
Misrepresentation Amounting to Mistake, Benjamin Geva
The Relationship Between the Offences of Consipracy and Incitement, Benjamin Geva
The Quest for Justice: The Role of the Profession, Gerald E. Le Dain
Down with Foreseeability! Of Thin Skulls and Rescuers, Allen M. Linden
Criminal Law -- Sentencing -- White Collar Crime -- Factors to be Taken Into Account -- The Relevance of Retribution, Graham Parker
Submissions from 1968
Public Interest Labour Disputes in Canada: A Legislative Perspective, Harry W. Arthurs
Countervailing Power in the Construction Industry: Accreditation of Contractor Associations, Harry W. Arthurs and J. H. G. Crispo
Electronic Surveillance and the Administration of Criminal Justice, Stanley M. Beck
Some Legal Aspects of Human Organ Transplantation in Canada, J.-G. Castel
Industrial Unrest in Canada: A Diagnosis of Recent Experience, J. H. G. Crispo and Harry W. Arthurs
Book Review: The New Industrial State, by John Kenneth Galbraith, Simon R. Fodden
The Civil Jury in the Courts of Ontario: A Postscript to the Osgoode Hall Study, Allen M. Linden and Richard J. Sommers
Book Review: Lawyers and the Courts, a Socialogical Study of the English Legal System 1750-1965, by Brian Abel-Smith and Robert Stevens, Graham C. E. Parker
Two Models of Judicial Decision-Making, Paul C. Weiler
Submissions from 1967
Developing Industrial Citizenship: A Challenge for Canada's Second Century, Harry W. Arthurs
The Affiliation of Osgoode Hall Law School with York University, Harry W. Arthurs
The Protection of Minority Shareholders: An Analysis of Foss v. Harbottle, Stanley M. Beck
Canada and the Hague Conference on Private International Law: 1893-1967, J.-G. Castel
Reflections on the Canadian Constitution After the First Century, Gerald E. Le Dain
The Candian Constitution after the First Century - II, Gerald E. Le Dain
A Century of Tort Law in Canada: Whither Unusual Dangers, Products Liability and Automobile Accident Compensation?, Allen M. Linden
Torts -- Statutes -- Tort Liability for Breach of Automobile Lighting Legislation, Allen M. Linden
The Century of the Child, Graham Parker
A Behavioural Approach to the Judicial Process: Scalogram Analysis, Sidney Raymond Peck
The Supreme Court of Canada, 1958-1966: A Search for Policy Through Scalogram Analysis, S. R. Peck
Submissions from 1966
Challenge and Response in the Law of Labour Relations, Harry W. Arthurs
The Intoxicated Offender - A Problem of Responsibility, Stanley M. Beck and Graham E. Parker
Book Review: Basic Protection for the Traffic Victim: A Blueprint for Reforming Automobile Insurance, Allen M. Linden
Strict Liability, Nuisance and Legislative Authorization, Allen M. Linden
Tort Liability for Criminal Nonfeasance, A. M. Linden
Book Review: Detention Before Trial, by Martin L. Friedland, Graham Parker