Thinking Rhizomatically and Becoming Successful with Disabled Students in the Accommodations Assemblage: Using Storytelling as Method
Author ORCID Identifier
Iris Epstein: 0000-0002-8470-494X
Jarrett R. Rose: 0000-0001-6528-5236
Linda Juergensen: 0000-0001-8037-0383
Katie MacEntee: 0000-0002-9850-3209
Lindsay Stephens: 0000-0002-4779-2549
Document Type
Publication Date
Source Publication
Nursing Inquiry, 29, e12475.
accessibility; accommodation; clinical nursing; critical social theory; disability; nursing education; post structure; storytelling
The number of disabled students enrolled in higher education institutions is increasing. Yet in disciplines such as nursing, where placements are an important part of student success, students' lived experiences, though an important and necessary aspect of promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion, has been ignored. In this paper, we respond to such issues by creating and utilizing a novel storytelling method that harnesses the antiessentialist philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari. Storytelling empowers students to both describe their experiences and inform institutions on how to better serve them, and we use concepts from Deleuze and Guattari to provide a framework for thinking about students and their pathways toward success as multiple. As we show, applying storytelling as a method through this lens offers an expansion of strategies to put students first and, therefore, promote equity at the administrative, research, educational, and practical levels. We describe how thinking rhizomatically opens new avenues of insight, allowing for the creation of institutional assemblages based on a diverse array of students' needs, enabling them to become successful in their own ways.
Repository Citation
Epstein, Iris; Rose, Jarrett R.; Juergensen, Linda; Mykitiuk, Roxanne; MacEntee, Katie; and Stephens, Lindsay, "Thinking Rhizomatically and Becoming Successful with Disabled Students in the Accommodations Assemblage: Using Storytelling as Method" (2021). Articles & Book Chapters. 3044.
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