Most Recent Additions*
A Quantitative Analysis of Leave Applications to the Supreme Court of Canada in Constitutional Cases
Paul-Erik Veel
Beyond the Numbers: Statistical and Data Literacy, Domain Literacy and Supreme Court of Canada Data Analytics
Jena McGill and Amy Salyzyn
R. v. J.J., Judicial Discretion and the Charter
Lisa Dufraimont
Self-Induced Extreme Intoxication: Brown and Section 33.1 of the Criminal Code
Michelle S. Lawrence
How the Dissent in Sharma Opens the Door to Indigenize the Section 15(1) Charter Analysis
Alana Robert
R. v. Sharma: Reckoning with Destabilizing Truths in Constitutional Equality Adjudication
Debra Parkes and Sonia Lawrence
Sharma: The Erasure of Both Group-Based Disadvantage and Individual Impact
Jonnette Watson Hamilton and Jennifer Koshan
Un-Democratizing the City? Unwritten Constitutional Principles and Ontario’sStrong Mayor Powers
Alexandra Flynn
From Rights to Justice: Perspectives on Access to Disability Justice in BritishColumbia (Attorney General) v. Council of Canadians with Disabilities
C. Tess Sheldon, Karen R. Spector, and Ruby Dhand
Council of Canadians with Disabilities: Another Reminder to Resolve Cases on the Merits
Gerard J. Kennedy
The AI-Copyright Trap
Carys Craig
*Updated as of 03/13/25.