The Journal of Law and Social Policy (JLSP) seeks to encourage debate and dialogue on important issues at the intersection of law and society, particularly as they impact low income individuals and disadvantaged communities.
The Journal of Law and Social Policy (JLSP) seeks to encourage debate and dialogue on important issues at the intersection of law and society, particularly as they impact low income individuals and disadvantaged communities. In addition to issues relating to housing and shelter, income maintenance, social assistance, human rights, health, employment, education, immigration and refugee law, mental health law, criminal and family law, the Journal is also interested in a range of questions about lawyering and social change, including the exploration of non-traditional legal strategies such as community organizing. Access to justice is a recurrent theme, as is the role of legal education in developing professional norms and practices in which social justice is an organizing aspiration.
Videos documenting the JLSP Symposium are available here.
Current Volume: Volume 36 (2023) Special Issue on Housing Precarity and Human Rights
Introduction to the Special Issue on Housing Precarity and Human Rights
Alexandra Flynn and Estair Van Wagner
Jessica Braimoh, Erin Dej, and Carrie Sanders
Anna Lund
Stepan Wood