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Source Publication

UBC Law Review. Volume, 42, Number 2 (2010), p. 473-491.


Canadian securities regulation; discourses; global financial crisis; international debate; international securities organizations; Organization of Securities Commissions; principles-based regulation; risk-based regulation; structural reforms


This 2009 lecture addresses the possible implications of the global financial crisis ("GFC") for Canadian securities regulation. I want to concentrate my remarks about the effects of the GFC on Canadian securities regulation in three areas: (i) the possible effects of the GFC on recent discourses of securities regulation, by which I mean emerging philosophies such as "principles-based regulation" and "risk-based regulation", (ii) the increasing influence of international securities organizations, especially the International Organization of Securities Commissions ("IOSCO"), on domestic regulation, and (iii) the burgeoning international debate about structural reforms to domestic regulatory arrangements in the financial sector.


Credit notice for original publication: Condon, Mary, “Canadian Securities Regulation and the Global Financial Crisis [The Walter S. Owen Lecture]” (2010) 42:2 UBC L Rev 473.

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