Courts in Lockdown: Lessons from International Arbitration
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Walker, Janet. "Courts in Lockdown: Lessons from International Arbitration." International Journal of Procedural Law, vol. 10, no. 2, 2020, pp. 178-201.
As the pandemic has closed courthouses around the world, civil justice systems have had to find alternatives to in-person hearings to avoid indeterminate delays in resolving disputes. International arbitration practitioners, driven by the commercial interests of the parties, have pioneered the techniques and technologies for virtual hearings, identifying the challenges and developing the best practices needed to support the core procedural values of civil dispute resolution. This article looks at these advances from the perspective of the participants - counsel, judges, arbitrators, witnesses, parties and the public - and considers the options that are emerging and that hold the promise to provide lasting benefits for civil justice systems.
French Abstract
La pandemie ayant ferme la porte des salles d'audiences partout dans le monde, la justice civile a di trouver des solutions alternatives aux audiences en personne afin d'eviter les delais indetermines pour resoudre les litiges. Les praticiens d'arbitrage international, motives par les interets commerciaux des parties, ont inaugure des techniques et ont recouru a des technologies pour organiser des audiences virtuelles, en identifiant ainsi de nouveaux defis et en developpant les meilleures pratiques necessaires pour promouvoir les valeurs procedurales essentielles a la resolution des litiges civils. Cet article examine ces avances du point de vue des participants au proces - avocats, juges, arbitres, temoins, parties et le public - et etudie les options qui emergent et qui promettent de fournir des avantages durables pour les systemes de justice civile.
Repository Citation
Walker, Janet, "Courts in Lockdown: Lessons from International Arbitration" (2020). Articles & Book Chapters. 3148.
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