Author ORCID Identifier

Jonathon Penney: 0000-0001-9570-0146

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Source Publication

D’Agostino, Giuseppina, Aviv Gaon, and Carole Piovesan, eds. Leading Legal Disruption : Artificial Intelligence and a Toolkit for Lawyers and the Law. Toronto, Ontario: Thomson Reuters, 2021.


Leading Legal Disruption: Artificial Intelligence and a Toolkit for Lawyers and the Law is designed to challenge lawyers with the practical implications that emerging technologies will have on delivering legal services and thinking about legal issues to navigate their digital transformation. By inviting thought leaders across the world and in different disciplines, ranging from privacy, contract law, and torts to governance and policy, this book goes beyond abstract and general philosophical observations on matters that concern practitioners. This practical approach has generated a wide range of global perspectives, which are refreshingly novel and timely for what are increasingly global issues.

The development and deployment of AI technologies present an excellent opportunity for humanity, where its positive impact can already be seen in transportation, health, finance, law, and other sectors. Autonomous vehicles and the prediction of COVID-19 spread present only a fraction of AI's potential. AI is already automating various intellectual tasks that traditionally believed could only be carried out by human legal professionals, such as predicting court outcomes, legal drafting, contract review, case summarization, and legal research. For some, it was a surprise to read a report by McKinsey that estimated that 23% of work done by lawyers could already be automated by existing technology.

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