Confronting Episodic Disability in the Workplace: The Canadian Experience

Document Type

Book Chapter

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Source Publication

Sandra L. Fielden, Mark E. Moore, Gemma L. Bend. The Palgrave Handbook of Disability at Work. Palgrave Macmillan; 2020.


This chapter considers the applicability of Canadian human rights law in protecting and promoting the rights of persons with episodic disabilities in the employment context. While the general legal principles described in this chapter apply to all persons with disabilities the focus is on episodic disabilities because of the unique challenges they present to both employees and employers when aiming to ensure effective workplace accommodation. Firstly, we present an overview of Canadian human rights laws, concepts, and protections, aimed at promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities from discrimination in the employment context. Followed by a discussion of the specific and unique circumstances faced by those with episodic disabilities seeking accommodation in the employment setting, highlighting some of the common arguments made by employers claiming that accommodation is an undue hardship and the key arguments considered by courts/tribunals when considering the duty to accommodate under human rights law.

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