Contracts: Cases and Commentaries, Ninth Edition
Stephanie Ben-Ishai and David R. Percy
Extensively revised and updated since its previous publication in 2004, Contracts: Cases and Commentaries, 9th Edition continues to be the teaching tool of choice among Canadian contracts professors. This book allows students to learn the law of contracts by firstly ...
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Law in Transition: Human Rights, Development and Transitional Justice
Ruth Margaret Buchanan and Peer Zumbansen
Law has become the vehicle by which countries in the 'developing world', including post-conflict states or states undergoing constitutional transformation, must steer the course of social and economic, legal and political change. Legal mechanisms, in particular, the instruments as well ...
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Recognition Versus Self-Determination: Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics
Avigail Eisenberg, Jeremy Webber, Glen Coulthard, and Andrée Boisselle
The political concept of recognition has introduced new ways of thinking about the relationship between minorities and justice in plural societies. But is a politics informed by recognition valuable to minorities today? Contributors to this volume examine the successes and ...
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Civil Justice, Privatization, and Democracy
Trevor C. W. Farrow
Privatization is occurring throughout the public justice system, including courts, tribunals, and state-sanctioned private dispute resolution regimes. Driven by a widespread ethos of efficiency-based civil justice reform, privatization claims to decrease costs, increase speed, and improve access to the tools ...
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Language and Cultural Rights
Leslie Green
Part of a series examining philosophical, political, and legal concepts of rights and systems of rights articulation, interpretation, protection, and enforcement, this volume is dedicated to issues arising from the intersection of language and cultural rights.
Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty
James P. Hawley, Andreas G. F. Hoepner, Keith L. Johnson, Joakim Sandberg, and Edward J. Waitzer
The Cambridge Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty is a comprehensive reference work exploring recent changes and future trends in the principles that govern institutional investors and fiduciaries. A wide range of contributors offer new perspectives on dynamics that ...
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Masters, Servants, and Magistrates in Britain and the Empire, 1562-1955
Douglas Hay and Paul Craven
Master and servant acts, the cornerstone of English employment law for more than four hundred years, gave largely unsupervised, inferior magistrates wide discretion over employment relations, including the power to whip, fine, and imprison men, women, and children for breach ...
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International Law, Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada
Hugh M. Kindred; Philip M. Saunders; Robert J, Currie; Jutta Brunnée; Ted L. McDorman; Ikechi Mgbeoji; Karin Mickelson; René Provost; Linda C. Reif; and Christopher S. Waters
International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, 8th Edition emphasizes the experience and practice of international law from a Canadian perspective both domestically and in foreign relations. A publication of long-standing quality and distinguished reputation, this seminal text ...
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International Taxation in Canada: Principles and Practices, Third Edition
Jinyan Li, Arthur Cockfield, and J. Scott Wilkie
The first comprehensive book on Canadian international tax law, International Taxation in Canada – Principles and Practices was originally published in 2006. Now in its third edition, it has become the leading book on this topic in Canada and is ...
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Property Law: Cases and Commentary, 3rd Edition
Mary Jane Mossman and Philip Girard
Property Law: Cases and Commentary, 3rd Edition, explores traditional and contemporary issues surrounding the law of property in Canada. It addresses concepts such as possession, property interests in land and chattels, gifts, and family property. Authoritative commentary paired with carefully ...
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Class Actions in Canada : Cases, Notes, and Materials
Janet Walker and Garry D. Watson
Class actions, also known as mass torts, have become a vital, developing area of civil law. They offer redress in cases where the costs of litigation might overwhelm the damages to be recovered, particularly in jurisdictions where punitive damages are ...
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Transnational Organized Crime
Margaret Beare
This selection of influential articles traces our evolving understanding of transnational organized crime - paradigm shifts - from the 'alien conspiracy' focused research to the more nuanced focused scholarship on 'markets' and 'networks', culminating in a focus on 'enablers' of ...
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Unthinkable Thoughts: Academic Freedom and the One-State Model for Israel and Palestine
Susan G. Drummond
In June 2009, an international conference on models of statehood for Israel and Palestine was held at Toronto’s York University. The conference itself was uneventful; however, the lead-up roiled Canadian academia and society, provoking a controversy that raised major issues ...
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The Courts and Beyond: The Architecture of Justice in Transition
Trevor C. W. Farrow and Patrick Molinari
Collection of papers presented at the 2012 CIAJ annual conference held in Calgary, for judges, practitioners, academics and other professionals. The papers included in this collection each provide a useful perspective on various aspects of the renovation project that is ...
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Administrative Law in Context, 2nd Edition
Colleen M. Flood and Lorne Sossin
The second edition of the best-selling casebook Administrative Law in Context uses the same unique two-part format as the previous edition — a hardbound text supported by a website where both students and instructors can find full-text cases for each ...
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Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law [8th Edition]
Peter W. Hogg, Joanne E. Magee, and Jinyan Li
Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law is an introduction to the Canadian income tax law using clear, concise and non-technical language. It has been cited and quoted with approval in a number of tax cases decided by the Supreme Court ...
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Legal Research Handbook, 6th Edition
Douglass T. MacEllven, Neil A. Campbell, and John N. Davis
This highly respected practical handbook for Canadian legal researchers has now been thoroughly revised and updated since the previous edition published in 2003. The many dramatic developments in legal research over the past decade are reflected in this new edition, ...
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The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis
Moira McCarney, Ruth Kuras, Annette Demers, and Shelley M. Kierstead
The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis focuses on developing the required competencies emphasized by the Federation of Law Societies in legal research, writing, and analysis and using those skills in both law school and professional environments. The ...
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Constitutional Law, 4th Edition
Patrick J. Monahan and Byron Shaw
The fourth edition of Constitutional Law represents a significant update of the third edition, published in 2006. During this period, the Supreme Court of Canada has continued to develop the jurisprudence in all areas of constitutional law, particularly the Canadian ...
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Copyright: Cases and Commentary on the Canadian and International Law, Second Edition
Barry B. Sookman, Steven Mason, and Carys Craig
Copyright law grants exclusive rights for limited terms to the authors of musical, literary, dramatic and artistic works. With the shift towards an information economy and the rapid development of digital technologies, copyright is fast becoming one of the most ...
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Rethinking Workplace Regulation: Beyond the Standard Contract of Employment
Katherine V. W. Stone and Harry W. Arthurs
During the middle third of the 20th century, workers in most industrialized countries secured a substantial measure of job security, whether through legislation, contract or social practice. This “standard employment contract,” as it was known, became the foundation of an ...
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Criminal Procedure in Canada : Student Edition
James Stribopoulos
This long-awaited guide explains the rules of criminal procedure in a clear, concise manner - ideal for prosecutors, defence lawyers, law students and judges. Rather than organizing the subject around particular statutory or constitutional provisions, the authors have chosen a ...
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Sovereign Choices and Sovereign Constraints: Judicial Restraint in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Gus Van Harten
Provides an innovative analysis to show why international arbitration should be restrained by the same mediating factors limiting domestic judicial review Establishes an in-depth empirical assessment of publicly-available awards to investigate the complex reality of how arbitrators have exercised their ...
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Encyclopedia of Transnational Crime and Justice
Margaret E. Beare
Transnational crimes involve border crossings as an integral part of the criminal activity. They also include crimes that take place in one country with consequences that significantly affect other countries. Examples include human trafficking, smuggling (arms, drugs, currency), sex slavery, ...
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This collection comprises descriptions of and references to books written or co-authored by members of the Osgoode faculty. Access to the full digital text is provided if available and licensed for access by the public. In many cases, the digital text will be accessible only by members of the York University community.
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