Families and the Law : Cases and Commentary, 4th ed.
Natasha Bakht, Vanessa Gruben, Shelley Kierstead, and Robert Leckey
Families and the Law, Fourth Edition continues its ongoing discourse in family law aiming to address three main questions - what constitutes a family, what role law plays in different types of families, and how families and family law evolved ...
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The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis
Moira McCarney, Ruth Kuras, Annette Demers, and Shelley Kierstead
The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis, 4th Edition comes with free access to Casebook+, a digital student supplements package to enhance your learning and support your success. The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis, 4th ...
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Legal Research Methods for the English-Speaking Caribbean
Yasmin Morais and Yemisi Dina
Legal Research Methods for the English-Speaking Caribbean identifies the sources of legal information for the English-speaking Caribbean and provides unique coverage of the independent states and overseas territories in this jurisdiction with a shared history of British colonialism. It is ...
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Fridman's The Law of Contract in Canada, Seventh Ed.
Jason Neyers, Gregory Bowley, Joanna Langille, Carl McArthur, Jennifer Nadler, Stéphane Sérafin, Samuel Beswick, Mitch McInnes, Manish Oza, and Mery Ppasiou
"This is the first edition written without the contributions from the esteemed Gerald H.L. Fridman. In his memory, the book is now entitled Fridman’s The Law of Contract in Canada. The law of contract has seen many changes in the ...
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Entangled Domains: Empire, Law and Religion in Northern Nigeria
Rabiat Akande
Set in Colonial Northern Nigeria, this book confronts a paradox: the state insisted on its separation from religion even as it governed its multireligious population through what remained of the precolonial caliphate. Entangled Domains grapple with this history to offer ...
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Oxford Handbook of International Law and Development
Ruth Buchanan, Luis Eslava, and Sundhya Pahuja
Since the mid-twentieth century, 'international law' and 'international development' have become two of the most prominent secular languages through which aspirations about a better world are articulated.. They have shaped the both the treatment and self-understanding of the 'developing' world, ...
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The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Commentary
Barnali Choudhury
This comprehensive Commentary provides an in-depth analysis of each of the 31 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as well as the 10 Principles for Responsible Contracts. It engages in both a legal and contextual examination of the ...
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The Future of Remote Work
Nicola Countouris, Valerio De Stefano, Agnieszka Piasna, and Silvia Rainone
Debates on the future of work have taken a more fundamental turn in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Early in 2020, when large sections of the workforce were prevented from coming to their usual places of work, remote work ...
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From Morality to Law and Back Again: A Liber Amicorum for John Gardner
Michelle Madden Dempsey and François Tanguay-Renaud
John Gardner was one of the most prolific, widely read, and influential scholars working in philosophy of law. This book celebrates, explores, and develops themes of his work during his sixteen years as Professor of Jurisprudence at University of Oxford. ...
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Law at Work : The Coercion and Co-Option of the Working Class
Harry Glasbeek
"The renowned Harry Glasbeek unpacks how law has been used to ensure that workers' aspirations are kept in check.Law at Work uncovers how the legal system, through its structures and mechanisms, legitimizes and reinforces the exploitation of workers. Using historic ...
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Hart, Fuller, and Everything After: The Politics of Legal Theory
Allan C. Hutchinson
More has been said about the Hart-Fuller debate than can be considered healthy or productive even within the precious world of jurisprudential scholarship – too much philosophising about how law has revelled in its own abstractness and narrowness. But the ...
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The Law of Restitution, 2023 Student Edition
Peter D. Maddaugh and John D. Mccamus
"This student edition of the looseleaf service entitled The Law of Restitution, by Peter D. Maddaugh, Q.C. and John D. McCamus, has been created specifically for your course. The sections included in this student edition are reproduced from the November ...
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Quiet Rebels: A History of Ontario Women Lawyers
Mary Jane Mossman
""It's a girl!" As the Ontario press announced, Canada's first woman lawyer was called to the Ontario bar in February 1897.Quiet Rebels explores experiences of exclusion among the few women lawyers up to 1957, and how their experiences continue to ...
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Part-Time for All: A Care Manifesto
Jennifer Nedelsky and Tom Malleson
Part-Time for All offers solutions to four pressing problems: inequality for care-givers; family stress from demands of work and care; chronic time scarcity; and policy makers who are ignorant of care and care-givers with little access to policy making—the care/policy ...
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Rethinking Investment Law: Perspectives and Prospects
David Schneiderman and Gus Van Harten
The rules and enforcement mechanisms of investment law and arbitration reach deep into the regulatory and policy space of host states; tribunals have the ability to second-guess all variety of state measures, and in doing so they have displayed a ...
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Escape to Ponti
Brian Slattery and Antonio Javier Caparo
"Fourteen--year--old Bec learned a lesson that day. Be careful whom you rob. A slave on the run from his vicious master, Bec is desperate for money. But when he mugs Tien Nu, he gets more than he bargained for. Tien ...
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Cases and Materials on Contracts, 7th ed.
Stephen Waddams, Jassmine Girgis, John D. McCamus, Jason Neyers, and Bruce MacDougall
Cases and Materials on Contracts is a current and comprehensive collection of primary materials and commentaries covering all aspects of contract law in Canada. It examines key principles such as offer and acceptance, written versus oral contracts, what constitutes breach ...
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Your Boss Is an Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence, Platform Work and Labour
Antonio Aloisi and Valerio De Stefano
What effect do robots, algorithms, and online platforms have on the world of work? Using case studies and examples from across the EU, the UK, and the US, this book provides a compass to navigate this technological transformation as well ...
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All Is Well: Catastrophe and the Making of the Normal State
Saptarishi Bandopadhyay
All Is Well attempts to answer one of the most urgent questions of our time: What is the relationship between modern states and the disasters they claim to manage? Disasters are commonly understood as exceptional occurrences that ruin societies and ...
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Contracts: Cases and Commentaries, 11th ed.
Stephanie Ben-Ishai and David Percy
The Contracts casebook of choice in Canada for over 40 years, this eleventh edition consists of a critical survey of important cases and commentary in contract law, reflecting a period of intense doctrinal development by the Supreme Court of Canada. ...
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Canada's Cannabis Act : Annotation & Commentary
Russell Bennett and Alan Young
"This text identifies the relevant case law and underlying legislation used to draft theCannabis Act, helping readers analyze the rules and limits of theActand the Regulations. ... For ease of navigation, this text follows the 15 Parts of theCannabis Act. ...
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A Research Agenda for the Gig Economy and Society
Valerio De Stefano, Ilda Durri, Charalampos Stylogiannis, and Mathias Wouters
"Providing a comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview of the gig economy from both a labour and employment perspective, this Research Agenda goes beyond the question of the employment status of platform workers. It investigates how the gig economy is changing the way ...
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Cryptocurrencies and the Regulatory Challenge
Allan C. Hutchinson
"As a social process that places great stock in its stability and predictability, law does not deal easily or well with change. In a modern world that is in a constant and rapid state of flux, law is being placed ...
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This collection comprises descriptions of and references to books written or co-authored by members of the Osgoode faculty. Access to the full digital text is provided if available and licensed for access by the public. In many cases, the digital text will be accessible only by members of the York University community.
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