Electronic Commerce and Multijurisdictional Taxation
Richard L. Doernberg, Luc Hinnekens, Walter Hellerstein, and Jinyan Li
Bank Collections and Payment Transactions: Comparative Study of Legal Aspects
Benjamin Geva
This is a study of the law governing the bank-customer relationship pertaining to the disposition of funds by cheques and credit transfers, covering both paper-based and electronic payments. The work addresses, with various degrees of detail, common law, civilian, and ...
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Evaluation of the Ontario Mediation Program (Rule 24.1) Final Report: The First 23 Months
Robert G. Hann, Carl Baar, Lee Axon, Susan Binnie, and Frederick H Zemans
Environmental Law in Developing Countries: Selected Issues
Ikechi Mgbeoji, Nazrul Islam, Isabel Martinez, and Wang Xi
This publication contains four papers on different legal issues of interest to developing countries. The papers were researched and written by four Carl Duisberg Gesellscaft (CDG) Fellows who came to Germany from Bangladesh, Venezuela, Nigeria and China to study under ...
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Torture as Tort: Comparative Perspectives on the Development of Transnational Human Rights Litigation
Craig Scott
The controversial nature of seeking globalised justice through national courts has become starkly apparent in the wake of the Pinochet case in which the Spanish legal system sought to bring to account under international criminal law the former President of ...
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The Constitution of Canada and the Conflict of Laws
Janet Walker
"This thesis explains the constitutional foundations for the conflict of laws in Canada. It locates these constitutional foundations in the text of key constitutional documents and in the history and the traditions of the courts in Canada. It compares the ...
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It's All in the Game: A Non-Foundational Account of Law and Adjudication
Allan C. Hutchinson
Three questions concerning modern legal thought provide the framework for It's All in the Game: What should judges do? What do judges do? What can judges do? Contrasting his own answers to traditional responses and moving playfully between debates of ...
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Materials on Canadian Income Tax (12th edition)
Jinyan Li, Tim Edgar, and Daniel Sandler
Materials on Canadian Income Tax is a casebook-style text that takes a well-organized approach to the study of taxation, which combines commentary from the author team with extracts of leading tax cases and references to government policy pronouncements. The text ...
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Federal Regulation of Charities: A Critical Assessment of Recent Proposals for Legislative and Regulatory Reform
Patrick Monahan and Elie S. Roth
The purpose of this 122 page study is to critically examine the options for regulatory reforms that have been presented in various reports and studies. In particular, the proposal for the establishment of an independent, quasi-judicial charity commission, as well ...
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Re-defining Legitimate Statehood: International Law and State Fragmentation in Africa
Obiora Chinedu Okafor
The purpose of this volume is dual. The first is to provide information about the question of the role that doctrines and practices of international law have played in the emergence and persistence of the phenomenon of socio-cultural fragmentation, and ...
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Copyright Law
David Vaver
The explosive growth in communication technologies has put enormous strains on the law, no more so than on the law of copyright. In this book, David Vaver examines how the modern law of copyright and moral rights is coping with ...
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Ordnungsmuster im modernen Wohlfahrtsstaat : Lernerfahrungen zwischen Staat, Gesellschaft und Vertrag [Regulatory Patterns in the Modern Welfare State. Learning Experiences Between State, Society and Contract]
Peer Zumbansen
Wie wird der Staat der Zukunft aussehen? Angesichts der Öffnung des Nationalstaates gegenüber Europäisierungs- und Globalisierungsprozessen und des Umbaus des Wohlfahrtsstaates stellen sich weitreichende Fragen nach einer angemessenen Reformulierung des rechtstheoretischen Instrumentariums. Die Formel »Staat und Gesellschaft« prägt dabei in ...
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Family Law
Simon R. Fodden
In this insightful and succinct text, Professor Simon Fodden provides a clear summary and analysis of those essential areas where the family and the law intersect. It is essential reading for students of the subject as well as practitioners looking ...
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Interpreting Censorship in Canada
Allan C. Hutchinson and Klaus Petersen
It has been part of the liberal tradition to decry censorship in all its forms, and to attempt to separate censorship from democratic forms of government. There has been as yet no real attempt to integrate censorship into political theory. ...
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The Judiciary as Third Branch of Government: Manifestations and Challenges to Legitimacy
Mary Jane Mossman and Ghislaine Otis
Legitimate Governance in Africa: International and Domestic Legal Perspectives
Obiora Chinedu Okafor and Edward Kofi Quashigah
Any attempt to address the ever-present problem of instability in Africa gives rise to questions regarding legitimate governance. Without future thinking and action on the legitimacy of governance in Africa and how to secure it, past mistakes will go unheeded ...
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Environmental Justice and Market Mechanisms: Key Challenges for Environmental Law and Policy
Benjamin J. Richardson and Klaus Bosselmann
The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials, 5th Edition
Garry D. Watson, W. A. Bogart, Allan C. Hutchinson, Janet E. Mosher, Timothy Pinos, and Janet Walker
This collection comprises descriptions of and references to books written or co-authored by members of the Osgoode faculty. Access to the full digital text is provided if available and licensed for access by the public. In many cases, the digital text will be accessible only by members of the York University community.
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