Submissions from 2025
Legal Pluralism in Canada and the Vitality of Indigenous Law, Kent McNeil
Submissions from 2024
Aligned with the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights? An AI Transparency Evaluation of Company Privacy Notices and Explanations, Jonathan A. Obar, Giuseppina D'Agostino, and Motunrayo Akinyemi
Submissions from 2023
Interlinking between Income Tax, Citizenship and Democracy? A Case Study of Canada and China, Jinyan Li
Submissions from 2022
Donald C. Brace Memorial Lecture 2021 - User Rights: Fair Use and Beyond, David Vaver
Twelve Tips on Writing a Thesis, David Vaver
Submissions from 2021
User Rights in Canadian Copyright Law, David Vaver
Submissions from 2019
BEPS and the Emerging Global Approach to Taxing Multinational Enterprises, Jinyan Li, Jin Bao, and Huaning (Christina) Li
Discarding Old Prejudices: Judicial Precedent and Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil
Indigenous and Crown Sovereignty in Canada, Kent McNeil
Soutenir la démocratie élue de la Chambre des communes et à la fois la conscience de vote des sénateurs non élus, Craig Scott
Wage Boards for the 21st Century: Revisiting Sectoral Standard-Setting Mechanisms for the Workplace, Sara Slinn
Submissions from 2018
Labour Law in Post-democratic and Post-liberal Societies: A Case of Cognitive Dissonance, Harry Arthurs
Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative - Climate Change and Legal Risk, Janis P. Sarra and Cynthia Williams
Global Governance and Humanitarian Assistance – Tithing the Transnational Arms Industry, Craig Scott
Submissions from 2017
Access to Justice and Development: Canada, Trevor C. W. Farrow
National Access to Justice Status Report, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Truth in Numbers: Current Realities and Emerging Trends for Self-Represented Litigants, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Historic Treaties and the Indian Act, Shin Imai
Human Rights and Development, Shin Imai
International Voluntary Standards in Corporate Compliance, Shin Imai
Indigenous Sovereignty and the Legality of Crown Sovereignty: An Unresolved Constitutional Conundrum, Kent McNeil
The Inherent Right of Indigenous Governance, Kent McNeil
Submissions from 2016
Accessible Justice: Cost and Research Issues, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Cost of Justice Research, Trevor C. W. Farrow
From the Local to the Global, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Measuring Justice: Cost, Value and Trends, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Private Justice, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Technology, Innovation and Legal Education” (presentation on “Computer-Mediated Education and its Impact on Legal Education” panel, “Wired Justice, Trevor C. W. Farrow
The Cost of Justice, Trevor C. W. Farrow
The Economics of Justice and Injustice, Trevor C. W. Farrow
The Future of Access to Justice Research, Trevor C. W. Farrow
Where We Are At: The Access to Justice Problem, Its Consequences, Status and Future Directions, Trevor C. W. Farrow
The Changing Faces of Central Banking: Beyond Conventional Monetary Policy, Benjamin Geva
Developments on Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil
The Factual Basis for Native/Aboriginal Title, Kent McNeil
Electoral Reform: Making Every Vote Count Equally, Craig Scott
Political Ethics and the House of Commons Electoral Reform Process: Four Dimensions, Craig Scott
Designing Administrative Justice: Draft, Lorne Sossin
Overview of Public Concerns About Investment Arbitration in the TTIP, Gus Van Harten
Submissions from 2015
Labour Law and Transnational Law: The Fate of Legal Fields / The Trajectory of Legal Scholarship, Harry Arthurs
Closing Presentation - The Rush to Expand the World’s Supreme Non-Court, Gus Van Harten
Submissions from 2014
My "Very Idea" of Rod - and Yours, Harry Arthurs
The "Majestic Equality" of the Law: Why Constitutional Strategies Do Not Produce Equality, Harry Arthurs
Employment-Related Geographic Mobility in Canada and Collective Bargaining: A Report Prepared for the On the Move Partnership Research Team, Eric Tucker and Brendan Breckman Jowett
Investment Treaty Arbitration and Corruption, Gus Van Harten
Submissions from 2013
Slow Violence, Law, and History, Doug Hay
Moderated Discussion on Canada’s Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements and ICSID Ratification, Gus Van Harten
Submissions from 2012
Administrative Justice and Adjudicative Ethics in Canada, Lorne Sossin
First Nations and the Canada-China FIPA, Gus Van Harten
Special Program on Foreign Investment, Gus Van Harten
Class Actions: Settlement, Approval; Res Judicata; Claims Administration and Cy-pres Awards, Janet Walker
Cultural Dimensions of Group Litigation, Janet Walker
Submissions from 2011
A Perspective from Honduras' Civil Society Truth Commission, Craig Scott
Administrative Law Blast, Gus Van Harten
Clustering, Accountability, and Governance, Gus Van Harten
Discussant for Keynote Address by Professor Jan Dalhuisen, Gus Van Harten
Public Inquiries: Independence is the Key, Gus Van Harten
Public Interest and Investor-State Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
Submissions from 2010
Democracy and Freedom in an Imperial Context: Conversations with James Tully, Ruth Buchanan
Making the Law Work for Everyone? Legal Empowerment and the Struggles over Land in the Peruvian Amazon, Ruth Buchanan
21st Century Fiduciary Duties for Socially Responsible Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson
Being Virtuous and Prosperous: SRI's Conflicting Goals, Benjamin J. Richardson
Climate Change: Legal and Business Cases for Early Action, Benjamin J. Richardson
Climate Finance and its Governance: From Financial: Intermediation to Socially Responsible Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson
Climate Finance and its Governance: Moving to a Low Carbon Economy through Socially Responsible Financing?, Benjamin J. Richardson
New Perspectives on Fiduciary Responsibilities and SRI, Benjamin J. Richardson
Sustainability and Governance of the Financial Economy, Benjamin J. Richardson
The Human Condition and the Limits of Environmental Law, Benjamin J. Richardson
The New Paradigm of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Paradoxes, Benjamin J. Richardson
Meeting the Challenges to Tribunal Independence, Gus Van Harten
Class Proceedings in Canada - Report for the 18th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Janet Walker
Submissions from 2009
A Reflection on the Changing Nature of Transnational Organized Crime in Relation to the UN Convention, Margaret E. Beare
Beware of Geeks Bearing Formula: The Buffetts—from Warren to Jimmy, Margaret E. Beare
Old Questions Revisited..., Margaret E. Beare
Policing’ Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Canada—What Works---What Doesn’t, Margaret E. Beare
Can Corporate Social Responsibility Alleviate Poverty?, Benjamin J. Richardson
Climate Change: Fiduciary Duties and Responsible Investment, Benjamin J. Richardson
Socially Responsible Investment and Climate Finance, Benjamin J. Richardson
Jurisdiction and Responsibility: Community and the Force of Law Between Khadr and Amnesty, Craig M. Scott
Elements of an International Investment Regime that Encourages Sustainable International Investment, Gus Van Harten
Submissions from 2008
Banking on Trouble: Government Cultivation of Corruption and Crime—The Casino Industry, Margaret E. Beare
Crisis Management and Political Issues—Managing Hot Button Issues, Margaret E. Beare
Persisting in the Face of Resistance: Feminist Legal Theory as Embodied Justice, Isabel Karpin and Roxanne Mykitiuk
"Le Féminisme" and Professionalism in Law: Reflections on the History of Women Lawyers, Mary Jane Mossman
Financing Solutions to Climate Change: The Potential and Limits of Socially Responsible Investment and its Regulation, Benjamin J. Richardson
Financing Solutions to Climate Change: The Potential and Limits of Socially Responsible Investment and Its Regulation, Benjamin J. Richardson
Putting Theory into Practice: How Can We Apply Ecological Ethics to the Corporate World?, Benjamin J. Richardson
A Case for an International Investment Court, Gus Van Harten
Adjudication and Closed Proceedings, Gus Van Harten
Does a Perceived Structural Bias Undermine the Legitimacy of Arbitration?, Gus Van Harten
Secret Evidence, National Security, and the Courts, Gus Van Harten
Challenges to Jurisdiction and Non-Signatories in Arbitration, Janet Walker
Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions—Suggested Answers, Janet Walker
Submissions from 2007
Canadian National Report: Pre-Action Protocols, Colleen M. Hanycz
More Access to Less Justice: Efficiency, Proportionality and Costs in Canada Civil Justice Reform, Colleen M. Hanycz
More Access to Less Justice: Efficiency, Proportionality and Costs in Canadian Civil Justice Reform, Colleen M. Hanycz
Helping out in the Family Firm: The Legal Treatment of Unpaid Market Work, Lisa Philipps
Moving from the Business Case to Ethical Case SRI: The Role of Fiduciary Duties, Benjamin J. Richardson
Protecting Indigenous Peoples through Responsible Finance, Benjamin J. Richardson