Author ORCID Identifier

Barnali Choudhury: 0000-0002-5762-2957

Valerio De Stefano: 0000-0003-1050-853X

Allan C. Hutchinson: 0009-0003-8974-2886

Carys Craig: 0000-0003-2035-9494

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Allan Hutchinson Reflections on Singularity: AI and Law’s Multiplicity

Jon Penney How Safe Are AI Safety Standards?

Carys Craig The AI-Copyright Trap

Valerio De Stefano Artificial Intelligence and Work

Aida Abraha Examining AI Governance in the Workplace Context: A Comparative Analysis of Workplace Technology Regulations in Canada, the United States, and the European Union.

François Tanguay-Renaud, Contrasting Police Powers of Detention and Arrest in Canada and the United States: Is There a Place for Predictive AI and Some Thoughts about Racial Profiling and its Regulation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is dramatically reshaping how people live, work, and interact, as well as the functioning of societies and legal systems’ adaptations to these changes. Machine learning technologies’ integration into various decision-making processes carries profound implications for sentencing, taxation, workplace dynamics, surveillance and policing, privacy, and financial markets. The rising automation of human activities prompts significant legal inquiries spanning constitutional, contractual, and tort issues. Large Language Models (LLMs) such as Chat GPT are AI technologies with a range of legal, ethical, and societal implications. These models, trained on massive volumes of text data, can generate text resembling human language, enabling tasks like answering questions, writing essays, even crafting poetry. They implicate freedom of expression, the right to information, and the democratic process at large. They have the potential to generate misleading, harmful, or hateful content, regardless of their programmers’ and owners’ intentions. They could become tools for propaganda or disinformation campaigns. They raise intellectual property questions, particularly when their output is based on pre-existing intellectual or artistic works and could lead to mass job automation.
