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© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1950
Repository Citation
"Schedule A [Acts and parts of Acts repealed by the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1950],"
Ontario: Revised Statutes: Vol. 1950:
5, Article 25.
Available at:
Showing acts contained in the revised statutes of Ontario, 1937 and other acts of the legislature of Ontario that are repealed in whole or in part from the day upon which the revised statutes of Ontario, 1950 take effect, and the extent of such repeal.
This schedule does not include acts in the revised statutes of Ontario, 1937 or passed at subsequent sessions of the legislature that have already been expressly repealed. A reference to schedule B will show what enactments have been thus dealt with.
This schedule does not repeal the short titles or the commencement sections of acts or parts of acts, and no reference is made to the short titles or the commencement sections in this schedule.