About This Collection
This is a collection of Revised Statutes of Ontario, from the first revision of the statutes in 1877 to the last in 1990, as officially published by the Queen’s Printer and reproduced in PDF format. In these (generally) decennial revisions, all statutes in force at the time of the revision are collected, consolidated and printed in an “official” version to replace previous versions. As a general rule, the statutes in any revision are revised and consolidated to December 31 of the year of the revision. The collection includes all tables and indexes published with each revision, including the Tables of Disposition, to facilitate building legislative histories.The original statutes were published by the Queen’s Printer for Ontario annually or at the end of legislative sessions and constitute the official record of legislation as passed and enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. The printed volumes presented here were assembled from the collections of the Osgoode Hall Law School Library at York University and of the Bora Laskin Law Library at the University of Toronto and were digitized by the Internet Archive at the Internet Archive Canada facility located in the Robarts Library at the University of Toronto. Funding for the project was provided by the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) as part of its Ontario Digitization Initiative (ODI). The digitized volumes of statutes were edited into their component parts, and metadata was collected and assembled by librarians and staff at the Osgoode Hall Law School Library with assistance from colleagues at the Great Library of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
This collection of Revised Statutes of the Province of Ontario has been produced and is made available as a public service. It is a product of our commitment to making quality legal information available to the public free of charge, and of our belief that access to legal information is an integral part of access to justice.
For current consolidations of all Ontario statutes, please consult the official Ontario e-Laws site or the Consolidated Statutes and Regulations of Ontario collection on CanLII.