Professor Sonia Lawrence was presented with the annual Canadian Association of Law Teachers' Prize for Academic Excellence at the CALT/ACPD conference dinner on June 5 in Vancouver

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News Article

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Terms of Reference

1. The annual CALT Prize for Academic Excellence honours exceptional contribution to research and law teaching by a Canadian law teacher in mid-career.

2. To be considered for the prize, one or more colleagues must nominate a candidate by submitting a complete curriculum vitae of the candidate, three letters of reference, and representative student evaluations (in the form of a letter or otherwise) to:

Professor Craig Forcese

3. The nomination documentation must be submitted by 21 January, 2019.

4. The nominations are considered by a selection committee composed of three people (either law teachers or members of the judiciary) appointed by the president of CALT, David Wiseman. The committee chair is a member of the CALT executive. The president does not have a vote in the selection process.

5. The selection committee assesses the candidates on the following criteria: quality of and innovation in teaching and learning; and quality and impact of legal scholarship.

6. In view of the quality of the candidates nominated but not selected in past years, the selection committee may include in its consideration candidates nominated in the previous year but not selected. If the selection committee decides to reconsider such previously nominated candidates, it will seek the endorsement of the nominators who may, if they so wish, submit additional information to the Chair of the selection committee.

7. The prize recipient’s name will be announced at the CALT annual conference.
