Judging Social Rights (January 2013)


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A Nathanson Human Rights Guest Seminar
Dr. Jeff King
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 Osgoode, IKB 4034 – 1230-2pm

Jeff King is a Senior Lecturer at University College London, and is Co-Editor of Current Legal Problems. Previously, he was a Fellow and Tutor in law at Balliol College, and CUF Lecturer for the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford (2008-2011), a Research Fellow at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford (2008-2010), and a Research Fellow and Tutor in public law at Keble College, Oxford (2007-08). He studied philosophy at the University of Ottawa and law at McGill University before working as an attorney at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in New York City (2003-04). He then completed a doctorate on welfare rights adjudication in English public law at Keble College, University of Oxford.

Dr. King’s research interests include UK and comparative constitutional and administrative law, human rights (especially social rights), socio-legal studies, legal and political theory, administrative justice, comparative and international human rights law, and public international law.

His seminar presentation will be inspired by his recent monograph Judging Social Rights (Cambridge University Press, 2012).

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