To view recent Osgoode media mentions please visit Osgoode's Newsroom.
Media Mentions from 2014
Ottawa ratifies foreign investment deal with China despite tensions, Financial Post, September 12
OUTlaws want BC government to reverse TWU law degree approval, Canadian Lawyer 4Students (Scarborough, ON), November 7
Philip Girard: A ‘very Canadian coup’? Hardly, National Post, December 4
Police Can Search Cellphones in Arrests Without Warrant, Supreme Court Rules, Globe and Mail, December 11
Professional misgovernance; Activism for its own sake is costing public companies, Financial Post, September 16
Prof to share vision of a just society, Yukon News, September 5
‘Public’ appeal court ruling keeps every detail secret; Trial description and even judge’s name censored in bizarre decision, Toronto Star, December 12
Regulators in Quebec, rest of Canada break logjam on poison-pill reform, Financial Post, September 12
Regulators in Quebec, rest of Canada break logjam on poison-pill reform, Financial Post, September 12
Report: Company boards choose own definition of diversity, The Seattle Times, October 25
Revenge porn and free speech: Let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater, Jurist (Pittsburgh, PA), December 2
Rob Ford’s tumour diagnosis and the future of Toronto’s race for mayor, CBC News, September 11
Rough, Painful, Consensual Sex is 'Murky' Legal Area: Experts, Toronto Star, October 28
Ryan Edmonds’ calculated risk, Precedent Magazine (Toronto, ON), December 3
Same-sex marriage harms free speech, new Ontario judge wrote in 2012, Globe and Mail, December 18
Speaker’s Corner: Mining company lawsuit shows need for international law reform, Law Times (Scarborough, ON), October 20
Study Now Pay Later, CBC Metro Morning with Matt Galloway, September 22
The growing threat of vicarious liability, Lawyers Weekly (Toronto/Ottawa, ON), September 12
The movement to ban religious law is racist and bigoted, Huffington Post, November 17
The vaguely written rule that’s letting corporations get away with staying very white and male, ThinkProgress, September 16
Tight-lipped Ghomeshi lawyer Marie Henein ‘leaves no stone unturned’, Globe and Mail, November 26
Time for true diversity in corporate boardrooms, Toronto Star, October 21
Too poor to go to law school? York U now offers income-contingent loans, Toronto Star, September 18
Tories appoint two conservative law professors as judges, Globe and Mail, December 17
Toronto lawyer working with local sex abuse survivors to amend law, 101.5 The Hawk (Cape Breton, NS), November 20
Tory prostitution bill gets Senate approval, Globe and Mail, November 4
TRU hosts rights and title decision forum, Williams Lake Tribune (Williams Lake, BC), November 14
Tuition-relief project planned, Law Times (Scarborough, ON), September 22
Uncertainty follows court ruling, Clearwater Times (Clearwater, BC ), November 23
Video links students in bi-campus clinical program, Canadian Lawyer 4Students (Scarborough, ON), November 24
Visible minority lawyers and paralegals face discrimination, Humber News (Toronto, ON), November 13
Washington, D.C. hearing spotlights the Canadian government’s failure to prevent harm and ensure justice for mining-affected communities abroad, Resource World Magazine (Vancouver, BC), October 28
What actually works if we want to increase gender diversity in corporate America, ThinkProgress, September 18
What rules must police follow to search a cellphone during arrest?, Global News, December 11
Why is Stephen Harper sending domestic workers back to 1973?, Huffington Post, December 1
Why the big secret?, Red Deer Advocate (Red Deer, AB), September 16
Wrongful conviction cases show holes in justice system, Toronto Star, December 19
Media Mentions from 2012
Brick Brewing Slapped With Lime Lager Lawsuit, The Globe and Mail, August 23
Toronto Designer Accuses Cemetery of Copyright Infringement, Toronto Star, May 31
Media Mentions from 2011
Canada: Democracy and Core Public Values After 2 May, Open Democracy, April 27
Secrecy and Good Governance, Global Brief, January 1
Media Mentions from 2010
House of Commons Arrives at Agreement in Principle on Receipt, Review and Release of Afghan Detainee Documents, The Court, May 14
Media Mentions from 2008
We Must Pay to Reconcile Aboriginal and Private Property, Lawyers Weekly, April 8