Volume 14 (2001)
Constitutional Cases 2000: An Overview
Patrick J. Monahan
Equality: The Most Difficult Right
Beverley McLachlin P.C.
Section 15 Jurisprudence in the Supreme Court of Canada in 2000
David L. Corbett, Karen Spector, and Jonathan Strug
The New Truth: Victims Never Lie
Edward L. Greenspan Q.C.
A Kindler, Gentler Supreme Court?: The Case of Burns and the Need For a Principled Approach To Overruling
Richard Haigh and
Charter and Context: The Facts For Which We Need Evidence, and the Mysterious Other Ones
Danielle Pinard
The Increasing Irrelevance of Section 1 of the Charter
Christopher D. Bredt and Adam M. Dodek
Gun Control and the Criminal-Law Power
Peter W. Hogg
Governing in a Rights Culture
Mary Dawson Q.C.
The Myths of Judicial Activism
Kent Roach
Judicial Power and the Charter: Three Myths and a Political Analysis
Christopher P. Manfredi