Osgoode Home > Osgoode Digital Commons > Library > Statutes > Ontario: Annual Statutes > Vol. 1997 (1997)
Long Title
An Act to change the name of the geographic township of Creighton in the Territorial District of Sudbury to Creighton-Davies, and to make a consequential amendment to the Territorial Division Act
French Long Title
Loi visant à remplacer le nom du canton géographique de Creighton dans le district territorial de Sudbury par celui de Creighton-Davies, et apportant une modification corrélative à la Loi sur la division territoriale
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1997
Bill Number
Bibliographic Citation
Geographic Township of Creighton-Davies Act, 1997, SO 1997, c 33 / Loi de 1997 sur le canton géographique de Creighton-Davies, SO 1997, c 33
Repository Citation
"c 33 Geographic Township of Creighton-Davies Act, 1997/Loi de 1997 sur le canton géographique de Creighton-Davies,"
Ontario: Annual Statutes: Vol. 1997, Article 35.
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