Canadian Forum on Civil Justice
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This report has been prepared by the Prevention, Triage and Referral (PTR) Working Group of the National Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters. The Working Group first met in Ottawa on March 2, 2012 and subsequently created a first draft report. The group then consulted with key players in the PTR field across Canada and internationally, using a web survey with a link to a second draft of the report. The survey, conducted in the summer and early fall of 2012, requested feedback on 14 potential recommendations. While the 125 respondents were generally supportive of the recommendations, their collective feedback resulted in a major restructuring for this final report. The focus is now more clearly on how to move the sector forward, and on recommendations that support this process.
Recommended Citation
Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters, "National Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil & Family Matters: Prevention, Triage and Referral Working Group" (2013). Canadian Forum on Civil Justice. 60.