Canadian Forum on Civil Justice
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There is a growing body of research and scholarship on medical-legal partnerships, social work-legal services partnerships, and other models for multi-disciplinary legal problem resolution. The goal of this selected annotated bibliography is to gather in one place examples of some of these models, and the research questions that are being explored in this area. This document is not intended to be exhaustive. In some jurisdictions, multi-disciplinary models that facilitate legal problem resolution have been part of the legal landscape for several decades; in other jurisdictions they are newer, growing in number in recent years. This document provides insights into published materials and sources of further information on different models for multi-disciplinary legal problem resolution, how they developed, the challenges they face, and the benefits they offer predominantly low-income and vulnerable populations with complex problems. This selected annotated bibliography includes an overview of publications and resources on multi-disciplinary models from several jurisdictions, including Canada, Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Recommended Citation
Moore, Lisa, "Multi-Disciplinary Legal Problem Resolution: Selected Annotated Bibliography" (2022). Canadian Forum on Civil Justice. 1.