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UBC Law Review 43:2 (2011) pp. 311-360


Feminist theory has exposed the body of the pregnant woman as one that is continuously made into the object of analysis and regulation, and feminist scholars have sought to understand the evolving contestation over the boundary between the woman and the fetus: the life sometimes conceptualized as part of her and other times as carried with her. Together, they are "not-one-but-not-two". "Always marked by race, class and ability" as Johnson notes, "the pregnant body is sometimes celebrated, sometimes reviled", and, as we will argue, always judged.


Credit notice for original publication: Mykitiuk, Roxanne, and Dayna Nadine Scott, “Risky Pregnancy: Liability, Blame, and Insurance in the Governance of Prenatal Harm” (2011) 43:2 UBC L Rev 311.

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